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Mistical Blue stuff?


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Hey, I sure this is just due to the lack of a video card for my computer, but every once in a while I come accros (allmost always at night) this bizzar blue sometimes green "meshy" looking stuff that is about 10 meters away from my character, as I move towards it, it moves away from me, or with me, any ideas?
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none, thanks for you reply by the way, it seems like the ground loses it's textue and is replaced by this stuff, it's definetly a graphic problem (I don't use many mods, none at the moment)
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When I started playing Morrowind I was using the integrated graphics (Intel Extreme Graphics 2) that comes with business level Dell PCs. I didn't have the problem you describe but I did have problems. Low FPS, crashes when crossing cell boundaries, and random crashes were the main problems I experienced.

If you're using integrated graphics, it uses part of your RAM for video. More RAM may help if you are running with minimal RAM.

A cheap video card may be all you need to run Morrowind without the mystical blue fog. If you give some details on your computer, you may get better advice.

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