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inexperienced mod user needs advice for texture issues please !


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so I'm finally able to play fo3 due to the enormously helpful advice from the ever awesome gopher . now my game does not freeze after entering interior cells .

now , however , every single mod I use that applies non vanilla textures is screwing up . when I was a total noob I had similar issues and after a little research , started using archive invalidation invalidated which solved the problem . even though I am still using A.I.I. and it is definitely installed properly and working , anything from my type 3 body replacer to gun mods to pictures on walls , anything that uses non vanilla textures won't work properly .

being a bit stubborn , I really tried to figure this out on my own . the limited knowledge I do have about modding I have acquired by doing my own research and , though it has been slow going , I have managed to learn something . but I have got to the point where I have to admit that I have reached the limit of what I can do alone and so I turn to the modding community for help .

so if there is anybody who can offer advice or even point me in the direction of advice I would be eternally grateful .

also , if someone would be interested in hand-holding me through a manual install of a mod that would be awesome . a word of warning first though , anything technological really hates me . every attempt I have ever made at manual installs has failed miserably , often resulting in me having to do an entire reinstall of the game . just a heads up before you get into something that could leave you pulling your hair out !

thanx loadz in advance to anyone who takes the time to read and reply .

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Higher resolution textures may require the Large Adress Aware flag enabled. Do you have that installed on the Fallout main folder?


If you went through a manual instalation, did you copy everything into your Data folder? And have you checked if you don't have a second "Data" folder inside your Data folder?


When manually installing, make sure to only merge folders and never overwrite them.


Even with that program installed, if you are getting weird textures, it doesn't hurt to deactivate Archive Invalidation Invalidated and reactivate it. If you use FOMM or NMM, you may try deactivating and reactivating it in them as well.


Some texture mods may require activation of esps and or esms, so simply manually putting them in your folder won't help. You will need a load order manager such as FOMM or NMM to "tick" said esps and esms on (or you may do it by activating them on the Data Files option from Fallout 3's launcher).

Edited by ThatBrazilianGuy
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When manually installing, make sure to only merge folders and never overwrite them.


Even with that program installed, if you are getting weird textures, it doesn't hurt to deactivate Archive Invalidation Invalidated and reactivate it. If you use FOMM or NMM, you may try deactivating and reactivating it in them as well.


It depends on what you want done as to whether you overwrite or merge. Hotfixes and patches should always overwrite.


Do not use the standalone ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! with the one in FOMM or NMM. If you use the standalone, do not use the one in the mod manager. I have never had to use the standalone version as I have made it a habit to toggle the one on FOMM everytime I make any kind of change to the game.

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I meant not overwrite the folder directly. First choose to merge folders and then, if prompted to overwrite any files, then choose yes. Have always been educated that way, not that I can't be wrong, as I have a tendency to be overly worried and cautious about things lol.


And interesting to know about the A.I.I. thing. I've always had the same habit of toggling it on/off in those after installing any texture. But for some reason, I installed the stand alone program this time... Guess I'll just get rid of it then.


Came here to try and be useful trying to help with some information and ended up learning something myself lol



Edited by ThatBrazilianGuy
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