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Laptop white screen troubleshoot

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I have an older Asus G51V laptop I'd peg around 6-7 Year's old. It's sat untouched for about a year now give or take. I thought the only thing wrong with it was that it had a Grey stripe showing up in the screen. Now today the entire screen is white. I say I thought because maybe it was a white screen before. I cannot recall.


Anyways I wanted to see if it was the screen that failed so I ran some tests. I plugged the laptop into a monitor via VGA but the monitor didn't read the laptop. Tried again with my TV via HDMI and still nothing. I took apart the laptop and checked the connection on the screen. It was good. I thought maybe the hard drive was blank (i had been moving HDD around before so it was possible) and that was stopping an external screen from reading it so I popped In the SSD from my PC. Still nothing on the external screens. When the laptop boots I can hear the Asus explosion that happens on boot as well as the Win7 chime when it boots to desktop.


The fact that nothing is showing on an external monitor makes me wonder if it's the GPU? If it is I think I can replace it. But I'd rather it just be the screen. I just don't wanna drop the $50 on the screen unless I kmow that that's the problem.


So any ideas? Does this sound like a faulty screen or a faulty gpu? thanks for your help all.

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Any thoughts anyone. I'm about ready to just buy a screen and test it out. Worst case is the screen isn't the problem and I'm out $50. If it is the GPU I think I can replace it. Granted if it isn't either of those somehow I'm SoL lol Edited by hoofhearted4
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This is more symptomatic of a faulty display cable (or, possibly but less likely, display itself) than something else. White is the failure mode for when the backlight is powered, but the LCD itself is not, while other hardware faults tend to give a black screen.


I plugged the laptop into a monitor via VGA but the monitor didn't read the laptop. Tried again with my TV via HDMI and still nothing.

Did your laptop normally power up the external display as soon as it was connected, without going into display controls?

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I don't remember honestly. If I had to think about it is wanna say no. I think i remember having to manually select for it to show up on an external screen, now that i think of it.


So would buying a replacement screen be a solution? If the cable or connection is the problem it could be the connection on the screen and not the cable itself right?


Thanks for you're response FMod. You were honestly the person I was looking lookin to hear back from.

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You should first check if the cable (going through the hinge) is intact. Use a multimeter to check that every contact works. If the cable is damaged, unless the new display comes with one, replacing the screen won't help.


Much more often the cable itself or its contacts than anything else. Can be a matter of as little as a plastic ribbon connector having come all or halfway out of its socket. Take it apart, try to track everything, make the backlight go black, see what else goes out of the display section.


Since you indeed usually need to manually select external display, that's why your laptop isn't seen by other monitors, not the GPU.

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Alrighty thanks so much.


Last question. Can you buy replacement cables? Or are the like soldered to the motherboard? I'd look but I won't be able to check until tonight

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Depends. For popular models you can, by mail order from China/HK/Taiwan, or anything compatible with a popular model.


Cables aren't normally soldered, but really you should just open it up and see. Cable failure is less common than connection failure.

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yea im home now i can check. i just wasnt at home when i was posting before. thanks for your help FMod, very greatly appreciated!


EDIT: while i cant check the individual pins or anything because i dont have the necessary tools, i did take the cable from my previous laptop (same exact one) and placed it in, and i still got the white screen. while it is possible the second cable ribbon is also damaged (its an old heavily damaged laptop, it wouldnt surprise me if it too was damaged) im going to go ahead and hope that its the screen thats messed up. sometime soon ill purchase a screen and hope it works. $50 isnt too much if its not the problem, but i dont haave that money at the moment, so its gunna have to wait another week or so because i can go through with it. gotta get my car checked first, somethings wrong, so itll all depend on how that situation goes lol



anyways, thanks FMod for your time and help. when the time comes and i get a screen ill report back here just to wrap it up whether the screen worked or not,

Edited by hoofhearted4
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