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rate of mines to get new ore


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There is a setting, yes. The easiest place to adjust it is when building a bashed patch. One of the tabs includes tweaks among which are the amount of time between cell resets and cell respawns.

Thanks for the response, but I am not using bashed patch. I need the actual name of the global variable.

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Those are the names of the game play settings. To access them in the Creation Kit, select the Gameplay menu tab then choose settings. A window appears where you can locate those two settings and adjust them. These settings will affect the respawn rate of every cell in the entire game and by extension the resetting of ore veins within those cells.


If you want to change it mid-game for some reason, the base game has GetGameSettingInt and SKSE provides SetGameSettingInt

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Thank you! I was able to accomplish almost what I needed using your info. The mine cells were reset, but the prompt to get the ore did not appear. Saving, exiting skyrim, and reloading did give me the prompt to mine for ore.


I was especially interested in the examples given for the two routines you mentioned. I believe that they taught me how I might embed routines into a batch file, or a console command.



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