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The Walking Dead


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So while I was in a new playthrough of NV today, I was visiting the NCRCF. Talking to the doorman, I asked him why he hasn't left if he is now "free" (see, I have OCD and all dialog choices HAVE to be chosen, even if I already know their answer).


The man, braggingly, told me that they had the ultimate fort in the wastes. And I thought of how the prison really was one of the best areas for the Walking Dead group that they could find in a post-apocalyptic world. Then I started thinking... how great it would be to have a zombie playthrough of the game!


I know, we have Ferals, but really. That's not enough at all. So I started tinkering with my limited G.E.C.K. abilities and made 3 "Zombie" NPCs.


I used the FEV Subject for a "Super Mutant Zombie",

a trooper ghoul for (what else,) Trooper Zombies,

and a Reaver Ghoul as a regular old Wasteland Zombie.


I made them move MUCH slower (50%), have huge attack strength (250-300s), and fairly low health (50-75) to balance the huge offensive stats. I also found a "ghoul poison" ability for the zombies unarmed attack (I dont remember ghouls ever having poison, but I ALWAYS got zombie mask in FO3, so I never had to deal with reavers. maybe thats where the file is from?). Anyway, I think that the poison simulates a zombie bite quite nicely.


Now for my request!:


First and foremost, can we replace the "Ghoul Poison" with a custom poison named more appropriately, and also not be cured by anti-venom, but instead, make a new consumable that will heal ONLY zombie venom?


Secondly, is it possible to make a script where if a zombie kills someone, their dead body is replaced by a zombie spawning above them (and even better yet, keep their items???)


Thirdly, I was hoping for some help in retexturing a few NPCs so I don't have to use ghoul body's for all the zombies. Maybe darken their faces, bloody them up, tear their clothes, etc.


Fourthly, replace the "Orange" coloring of new vegas with the "Green" that was in FO3. Just a bit more eery.


I scattered the zombies I made in groups of 1-20 across the wastes and made them respawn, so HOPEFULLY, they slowly start to chisel away at the wastes, infecting victims and towns over time. I mean, you could randomly fast travel to Primm to find that while you were gone, they finally killed enough people to be able to overtake the town, the poor citizens joining the ranks of the undead army.


It is my hopes that these zombies will overrun 80% of the NPC's in the game, turning most of the people you come across into these abominations.


Sure, there will be a few settlements and wanderers that have survived, and (later on) we might even be able to recruit a few to be new followers, set up a base, make quests, add some voices to reflect the story, etc. But I would really like to make this a WIP and see where the possibilities go!


One more thing before I sign off; This mod could either activate right at the beginning of the game, where Ol' Doc Mole Butt informs you that the entire world aside from vegas and a few settlements have been overrun by these things... OR make this happen as a "Play after ending" mod, sort of like what Red Dead Redemption did?


Either way, I think it'd be fun.


What do you guys think?

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To your first, I don't recall there being a "Ghoul Poison" effect.. it might be a mod you have that adds that.

Your second, I believe (If I remember correctly) this mod has it, played with the original a while back before it was taken down. Fun stuff.

Third is also covered by the second.

Fourth is changeable in the settings. (I'm guessing you meant the colour of the text, hud and whatnot) If you mean the actual atmosphere in-game then I think ENBs can do that for you.

Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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thanks for that link! While that mod seems pretty great, i believe the OP is inactive, and this modder is simply a proxy re-post. even so, i have messaged him, asking if he has permissions to edit the mod at all. Thanks for your help!

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