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Crashing every 40 minutes without a crash log


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So I followed the Best of Times, Salamande3r's texture guide and wasteland survival guide. My game will steadily crash roughly every 40 minutes or so and I think it's due to memory. I'm not getting an Out Of Memory error like heap memory would give. I follow my memory usage and It's usually when I get around 1.8gb for fnv in task manager that it will crash. I have the 4gb patcher installed correctly. So I thought that number could get 4gb in task manager before crashing the game. I do have some extra mods enabled. For context, My game was pretty stable before I did the salamander guide and did LODgen. I did disable all of that but I still would get crashes. Right now I disabled most the extra stuff I added and I get to about an an hour and thirty of playtime before a crash. Is there a memory leak in FNV that will cause the application to build up memory usage over a play session and crash eventually? I'm using cobb's crash logger.

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I don't think Task Manager shows the full picture, the highest I've seen is about 3.3gb before the game is replaced by my desktop. Getting rid of everything from that texture guide was a good idea, installing all of that is asking for trouble, it's an old game that's running on a slightly updated version of Oblivion's engine, it just can't cope.


Your issue might be memory related, the game isn't the best when it comes to memory management, you could do the following....


Install New Vegas Tix Fix and in the ini change "bModifyDirectXBehavior=0" to "bModifyDirectXBehavior=1 use a mod that runs the game in a borderless window with this or you might be unable to alt-tab out of the game.


Enable bPreemptivelyUnloadCells and bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel in your INI settings, this will clear out the cobwebs when you fast travel or enter a new cell.

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