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Brisingr Sword


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Before people tell me, yes, I am aware that there are other mods (two that I've found so far) that add the sword Brisingr, yet none manage to captivate the sword as it was in the books.

There was one in Oblivion, but it was never moved over to Skyrim). I found this image of the sword online and wondered if it would be possible that someone model and texture it.


I don't really care for the flames, but I really love the sword otherwise!


(the blade of the sword is not colored by the flames, it is actually iridiscent blue)


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Interesting.... Considering Zar'roc was the first weapon i ever modded into skyrim i might give this a go as well. Can't promise anything though, as i got my hands pretty full atm...

Still, will try and find some time tomorrow to get this going..


And thanks for posting that link Ghosu. That will definitely come in handy!




Quicker than even i expected.. The first bits.







Updates while the nexus seemd to be down:








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That looks amazing!

By the way, apologies for the late response. I've had a busy couple of months (weeks?)!



LOL, and only now I see that the latest message is from yesterday. I really need to pay attention, more.

BTW, this is the second time you're helping me, Urwy! I really do owe you! :P

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Ha! Now that you mention it... Eruanna, wasnt it? =] Probably means you just have a good taste of weapons. :laugh:

I am taking a bit of artistic liberty on the pommel, because i have not been able to find some close-up shots of the one used in your image. The general idea remains the same though; an egg-shaped/spherical gem, held in place by claw-like protrusion.


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@Urwy: That looks fudging awesome! And yes, it was Eruanna. Both were Eragon swords, by the way. There's just something cool to a colored blade, haha.

EDIT: (I do like my edits, don't I?)

I was looking at it some more, and I thought it would look nicer (in my opinion) if the gem was a complete sphere, so not cut off in the middle to make place for metal, but the whole egg, not just half an egg. It's just my opinion, though, and I'm not really known for my good taste (at least, not IRL), lol.

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Just found this on my HDD...that's why i recognize that sword:


... though i never finished it back then. Urwy's version looks good so i don't have to revive it ^^

Ha! making me work are you? :laugh:


@Urwy: That looks fudging awesome! And yes, it was Eruanna. Both were Eragon swords, by the way. There's just something cool to a colored blade, haha.


EDIT: (I do like my edits, don't I?)


I was looking at it some more, and I thought it would look nicer (in my opinion) if the gem was a complete sphere, so not cut off in the middle to make place for metal, but the whole egg, not just half an egg. It's just my opinion, though, and I'm not really known for my good taste (at least, not IRL), lol.

Must be the perspective view, because it actually is a perfect sphere. But i think i can come up with another wait to support that gem.






I do intend to alter the claws that hold the gem a bit. (give them a pentagonal cross-section, just like the crossguard. Possible switch to three claws instead of 4. Seems more dragon-ish to me and breaks symmetry up a bit.)

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