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[WIPz] Oblivion PC Achievements


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I don't think that it is this mod.... These are our own made materials and don't use the exact same way of working a bethesda did. Maybe it's wise to post something on the bethsoft-forums first, but if things are bad enough we'll just keep it to ourselves. We didn't use any pictures from the achievements, but we used either vanilla or own made pictures so I see no problem in adding a mod that's solely meant for the fun.


At least if I'm correct Jepuliz :)?

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I don't think that it is this mod.... These are our own made materials and don't use the exact same way of working a bethesda did. Maybe it's wise to post something on the bethsoft-forums first, but if things are bad enough we'll just keep it to ourselves. We didn't use any pictures from the achievements, but we used either vanilla or own made pictures so I see no problem in adding a mod that's solely meant for the fun.


At least if I'm correct Jepuliz :)?

There are couple same pictures as in normal achievements, but I'm pretty sure you can use those freely :)

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