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[WIPz] Oblivion PC Achievements


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just remembered the millionth member competition :blink: ! Ahh were gonna miss it dammit... we would've surely win :whistling: Anyways, finished couple pic moar and encountered a new Oblivion bug/glitch: every time I battle someone, screen stays the same, but hud and everything else keeps on working :D Awesome... so I can't fight. Big deal I'm level 30 biatch I can run! And oh, by the way, noticed my new picture ^^?
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Alright I'll throw things around and see what I come up with. Give me a few days of course, modeling/uv mapping/texturing won't be fun if I'm rushed.
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Alright I'll throw things around and see what I come up with. Give me a few days of course, modeling/uv mapping/texturing won't be fun if I'm rushed.

Allrighty then :D and if you're getting bored, you might also help with the pics eh? :whistling:

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It's possible, but there shouldn't be a huge fps drop with a normal well-made shield. Even if it's being used over and over. My computer is crap and it can handle a lot in order to have a fps drop..
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how do you want the pics done?

Usual achievement pics, something small that'll pop up when you get, maybe a higher res pic for journal... I've posted two pics here allready And leave the green stuff backround, every achievement since now has it, and it sorta looks cool :D

And if I get bored I got my girl..

Hah, I know what you mean... :cool:

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Where are you going to put this wall?

I...Don't know...you may suggest something if you want :D First thought that in Thieves guilds guildhouse there's this door you can't use, there, but you'd have to y'know first unlock that place...

And maybe the player get's a prize for doing an achievement? :)

Yeah, a fancy-colored shield collection :D

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