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[WIPz] Oblivion PC Achievements


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Dear. Lord. The. Sale. Is. Unbelieveable. http://store.steampowered.com/

Now that's a true sale!

Cept I don't use steam...

So you don't have Orange Box? HL? TF? Get it. Now. Risen seems nice. Escaped from a city that was in complete lockdown. Jumped over the wall and survived by glitch. Rock on! :D Tomorrow some MW2, and season 1 of Sopranos!

I don't like downloading my stuff...like music I like owning the actual product! Case and all! I never download music for that reason...

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Dear. Lord. The. Sale. Is. Unbelieveable. http://store.steampowered.com/

Now that's a true sale!

Cept I don't use steam...

So you don't have Orange Box? HL? TF? Get it. Now. Risen seems nice. Escaped from a city that was in complete lockdown. Jumped over the wall and survived by glitch. Rock on! :D Tomorrow some MW2, and season 1 of Sopranos!

I don't like downloading my stuff-o-mundo...like music I like owning the actual product! Case and all! I never download music for that reason...

Yea I understand that, but all Valve-games have to be activated on Steam to play them. So you get excatly same thing anyways.

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Dear. Lord. The. Sale. Is. Unbelieveable. http://store.steampowered.com/

Now that's a true sale!

Cept I don't use steam...

So you don't have Orange Box? HL? TF? Get it. Now. Risen seems nice. Escaped from a city that was in complete lockdown. Jumped over the wall and survived by glitch. Rock on! :D Tomorrow some MW2, and season 1 of Sopranos!


You can get orange box without steam ya know....Course I did get it from steam but that's not the point :P


Steams good. You don't lose money on postage but get the game much quicker.

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Awsome thank Jepuliz! just bought FlashPoint for my dad from that site :D and wow what a damn deal


i know he's been wanting it for a while :)

No need to thank me, just gift something to me too ;)

@Slawter: No, I have retail OB and still needs to be activated and installed Steam. :)

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