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help me... please


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Rude though he was, he has a point: intel graphics chips are exceedingly weak.


Looking at the Toshiba site, I don't think any of the L300 series would do (based on what you've said, yours is obviously the middle one). Well, alright - the S5928, the $600 one with the Radeon 3100 might, MIGHT be able to play it. It'd be slow, it'd be jerky, and it'd be ugly, but it just might run.


Sorry man, I think you're boned, but here's another exceedingly long shot for you: upgrade the RAM. That intel graphics card in your laptop shares its memory with the OS (or rather, steals it from the OS). More might help, but it's a very small chance that it'll actually run. Even if it doesn't run, at 2GB running Vista, that thing's pretty light on the RAM. You might want to consider adding more, regardless of whether it runs Fallout.

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