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wizard island


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Yes, it is 661 megs, and yes, that is rather large for a mod because my castle mod (adds quite a few new interiors) isnt even 1 meg yet. But it has many many new models, creatures, weapons, and even new building styles. It has all original music too (dunno if it replaces your current or adds to it). The leader of the project did a lot of the music himself (I have been in contact with him for just under a year now). I haven't had a chance to download it yet, but I think it will be one of the best mods released yet.


Home Page for WI http://www.wizards-islands.com


EDIT: It apprears that either something is wrong with the website, or something is wrong with these stupid school computers.

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Yes, it is 661 megs, and yes, that is rather large for a mod because my castle mod (adds quite a few new interiors) isnt even 1 meg yet.  But it has many many new models, creatures, weapons, and even new building styles.  It has all original music too (dunno if it replaces your current or adds to it).  The leader of the project did a lot of the music himself (I have been in contact with him for just under a year now).  I haven't had a chance to download it yet, but I think it will be one of the best mods released yet.


Home Page for WI  http://www.wizards-islands.com


EDIT: It apprears that either something is wrong with the website, or something is wrong with these stupid school computers.


You say your mod isent even over one meg yet and you have custome models... are you just mesuring the size of your bsp file or are you taking into acount all the models you will need to pack with it?

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I downloaded it but haven't installed it yet. I had a 30 min wait on Fileplanet then it took 45 min to download.


They say you will need a high end graphic computing machine because they used detailed textures, I suppose you could set your res down to 640x480 or something. I have 128meg AGP and i'm at 800x600, just because it saves loading times, and i don't have to squint as much to read dialoge. Runs fine on higher settings but takes 3 times as long to change cells.



anyway... read the readme before you install. Some technical details...

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Its not custom models, just some new interiors of houses. I did add a few new objects, but used the Morrowind models. I am not even skilled enough to start up 3DS Max correctly and run it (though I wish it was). And I run my Morrowind on 1024 x 768 and it runs decently. Its a tad laggy in Balmora, but I wont stand for anything smaller than that size unless there is no choice (such as in Diablo 2). My compuer is nothing special (most of the parts are about 4 years old), so I should be able to run it (I hope), but I should be getting my new computer within a week (if my HD came in yesterday), so I'll be able to run it easily on that. Heck, I'll probably be able to run HL2 and Morrowind at the same time and just Alt TAB between them like nothing.
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