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[Poll] Mods adhering to Fallout lore


Lore adherence in Mod  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you prefer mods to stick closely to Fallout lore?

    • Absolute must
    • Some deviations are okay
    • If I have fun, lore can be set aside
    • I absolutely don't care about the lore

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I'm curious to know whether you guys prefer your mods or the mods you play to stick to the lore, especially source materials; Fallout Bible, Wiki, previous games, et cetera, or you are fine with deviations or even conflicts from cannon material?


Do drop a line and share your thoughts. :)

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well there is the lore the previous games dictate and the lore which those in my opinion simple "guru fan boys" dictate...


and actually if one looks at the previous games or even just F3 one can easily make out that basicly everything is possible and there is no such thing as lore xcept that there was a nuclear holocoust, even the terminals, notes and records one finds from time to time could all be faked or wrong in themselves and thus we have no actual knowledge of LORE... (just take some of the BOSS records lol)


Lore would require an enclosed space with limited natural laws and since we have the basic laws by which our real world functions everything a human ever thought up is possible in fallout aswell


the only things i therefore deem "lore" breaking would be conversions from other games which are game specific like final fantasy stuff, things one recognizes as not belonging in this world... the stalker stuff for example i think fits perfectly on the other hand...

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"Lore" is just the way fan-boys acknowledge the fact that they don't have an immagination. That and they take things too seriously.



It's a game.



When you realise that the Fallout universe isn't real, and that mods are, by definition, modifications to the origional lore, you stop carring if it's cannon or not. If you want to have light-sabres, then have lightsabres; you want to have final fantasy characters, then ok; want to give everyone in the game powerarmor, then go right ahead; you want to have pets, a cat is fine too.


Do what you want -- after all, it's your game. Play it how you will, yeah? :thumbsup:

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As long as its within reason its fine. Stalker suits are fine yep I agree with the guy above. I would also say a Barret Rifle because it isnt out of the realms of possiblity or extremely overpowering. Sure its a awesome weapon but alot of the weapons are awesome.

Its only bad when it gets ridiculous, you can add quite alot especially when it comes to weapons because theres alot of older weapons not in the game that are very good and been around along time...like say a pump action shotgun.


Im a big lore fan but i dont expect a mod to be 100% lore accurate but i do like it to be within the realms of possiblity. Its much like a roleplaying scenario...you dont have to be 100% standard and not throw your on spin on things but just try to fit in with everything else.

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I think we need some of both


I like the fact that I can go and get mods that make the game seem more realistic and keep the whole Fallout feel to everything


but I also like haveing shiney new guns that are overpowered, and girls with fancy hair and makeup and smokeing hot bodies, even though they live in a freaken wasteland


I like the fact that I can change the game based on my mood, that is why we have modding in the first place, isn't it... if you like it, then use it, if you don't, then leave it and move on to whatever you do like...

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i like lore

but i also like fun.


so i voted some exceptions are ok.



My bf2142 mod is going to be loosely tied into the lore, attempting its best to fit in.


Halo mod on the other hand, well, that mod just uses the 'space-time wormhole' excuse, which explains alot :)

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The only constant about fallout lore.. is that there aint no fallout lore.

You can take anything, and i really mean anything, throw a crappy excuse (don't worry too much about it, the original games didn't took much effort on the excuses either), and puff, it fits, and it won't be more outlandish than some of the stuff of fo1 & 2 (i don't need to remind you of the star trek shuttle or the crashed whale, or the dr who time travel machine, do i?).


As a constant, anything space-related that haves nothing to do with earth can be crashed on earth for no reason without the need of much explanation, anything space-related that haves story-ties with earth can be placed in fallout through wormholes. Any reference to a show or movie that is born from irony or sarcasm fits sweetly with the fallout theme.

Time travel, military experiment and lol radiation are also common and overused excuses in the fallout games.


Actually.. the only constant in 'fallout lore' it's the sense of humor.

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Fallout 1+2 always has been satire and F2 had so much Games/movies/series references and jokes,

you could hardly say, Fallout 1+2 Developers cared about lore in any means.


A good example for just fanatic fanboy behaviour you can see at no mutants allowed.

The most ridicilous Fallout Forum available. These people there are just jerks and looking

for "lore breaking" things everywhere. Of course in the means, what THEY think is the right



Lore is good to keep the world a bit feasible. I dont like Mods, where all Wastelander Girl runs around

with a Schoolgirl-Dress, or where all BoS Soldiers wear Space Marines Uniforms. While I like mods,

that make things more rough. But thats only my opinion.


Thats the good thing with modable Singleplayer-Games. Everybody can tweak it to the own preferences.

Some want goodmode weapons, unlimited ammo, green world, clean water or whatever, others want

the night pitch black, survival mode with need for eat/drink/sleep every 3 hours, more radiated water

and enemies with 10x their native HP.


So, just do what you like to do, but its a fact, that both, Black Isle and Bethesda, give a damn about lore,

its only fanboys like no mutants allowed and others, that try to find lore and rules in everything.

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Personally I prefer mods that try to integrate themselves into the existing Fallout universe, however the most important thing for me is that a mod is well executed and fun to play. The only time I'd have a problem with mods not adhering to the Fallout lore is if the mod claims to adhere to the lore but doesn't, or only does so superficially at which point I probably just uninstall it or consider remodding it instead of bitching about it like the purists at NMA. :biggrin:


I mean, no-one forces you to use a mod that you don't like and being a jerk about it doesn't really change that fact that some people might think it's a fun addition to their game. :thumbsup:

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