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[Poll] Mods adhering to Fallout lore


Lore adherence in Mod  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you prefer mods to stick closely to Fallout lore?

    • Absolute must
    • Some deviations are okay
    • If I have fun, lore can be set aside
    • I absolutely don't care about the lore

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<3 Lore


Mostly because I think the Fallout 3 world is crazy enough as it is... I mean, the lore covers everything from Aliens to child geniuses creating hard drugs! Breaking the lore is actually quite a task in itself.


On the other hand I don't mind lore breaking for the sake of fun (WH40K mods), but what I really want from a mod is a seemless extension of the game :)

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Forgot to mention the godzilla footprint with the crushed bambi in the middle... as i said, fallout haves no lore, the only common element is satire.


You could put a japanese looking girl on generic anime schoolgirl uniform wielding a katana and chasing random tentacled monsters product of [fev|radiation|military experiment], and it'd fit juuuuust fine with fallout's sense of humor.

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"Lore" is just the way fan-boys acknowledge the fact that they don't have an immagination. That and they take things too seriously.



It's a game.

Holy ignorant condescension, Batman!


It's a game and I play games for story and immersion. If I wanted to throw those out the window, I'd be watching TV or playing the latest Halo clone instead of playing Fallout.


Creating a lore-friendly mod requires more creativity and imagination than just slapping some materials together and putting them in a footlocker. (I am in no way implying that lore-unfriendly mod authors put less effort and attention to detail into their work. That is certainly not the case. Only that a lore-friendly badass latex ninja suit for your tattooed DD-cup character requires more imagination and creativity than a normal badass latex ninja suit for your tattooed DD-cup character. :D)


When you realise that the Fallout universe isn't real, and that mods are, by definition, modifications to the origional lore, you stop carring if it's cannon or not.

I can tell from this statement that you don't actually understand the opposing position at all, so I'll help clear it up. The game creators lovingly and painstaking created an entire world for us to immerse ourselves in. The world may not be "realistic" in that it contains crashed alien spaceships, giant mutant chameleons as an apex predator, and powered armor suits that look like they were entirely assembled from car parts. Instead, it sets up it's own realism (a modification of our own) for purposes of immersion, and authors spent thousands of man-hours creating an aesthetic: a style that evokes a specific time and place (even the aliens, for instance, are subject to this style). Players who covet the immersion and story that those designers spend years building for us have a tendency to dislike mods and additions that break that immersion, hinder the suspension of disbelief, violate the aesthetic, or disregard the storyline, even if it is for fun value.


All that said, back to the OP: I prefer lore-friendly mods to lore-unfriendly mods, but that doesn't stop me from using the latter if I feel it'll improve my game experience.


Furthermore, my very, very favorite mods are ones that take some little tidbit from established lore and expand on it, or that adds additional content to something already in-game (say, Reilly's Rangers...) in a way "the designers would've done it."


My least favorite mods are ones that borrow elements from some other setting and haphazardly toss them in the Wasteland (40k mods, as much as I love the 40k setting, I'm looking at you). Skree, for instance, has done a fantastic job of avoiding this.


Do what you want -- after all, it's your game. Play it how you will, yeah? :thumbsup:

This I completely agree with. :thumbsup:

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personally, screw lore.


THEY'RE CALLED MODS. It's not part of the default game so people can do whatever the hell they want.


If you want your game to be lore friendly, then fine, by all means only download lore friendly mods.


Personally i love my crysis nano suit, deep eyes armor, nocturne gun, the BF 2142 mod and anything else not lore worthy. Lore is great, but i play to have fun. And having crazy armors and guns makes it fun.


Any non-lore mod that tries to make some storyline to bring it into lore though i really respect because that takes a lot to do and for people to go with it not freaking out.


So yeah. i think that mods should be whatever the hell the author wants it to be. lore or no lore.


So with that said, someone give me a 50 foot tall darth vader as a blue super mutant with a yellow lightsaber. (^_^)


in a bit of defense, i have nothing against people who prefer lore mods, i do think that lore mods are great and i have a crap load of them but to me i just don't care about lore. I go for mods that look fun and cool regardless of whether or not they're lore specific.


And as i said i have nothing against the lore-only people. I'm only against the people who freak out when theres not enough lore friendly mods or when someone makes something thats totally against lore and theres like 5 posts of people saying 'screw this, this mod sucks it dosn't fit with the lore' those people i have a problem with.

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You could put a japanese looking girl on generic anime schoolgirl uniform wielding a katana and chasing random tentacled monsters product of [fev|radiation|military experiment], and it'd fit juuuuust fine with fallout's sense of humor.
Your statement makes a modded random encounter with Yuriko Omega seem non contradictory with Fallout lore. :biggrin: J/k

I might just make that. :happy:


You guys gave great perspectives on this.


Basically, I only wanted to set how to go about creating mods without going to "no no, that's wacko" territory. I'm irked by the various "oh no, this doesn't fit the lore" comments about mods (especially mine).


Everyody has their preferences. I had the assumption that there's a "sweet spot, a middle ground to make creative mods that doesn't feel too strange in the Fallout atmosphere.


I guess the old saying is true; you can't please anyone.

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You could put a japanese looking girl on generic anime schoolgirl uniform wielding a katana and chasing random tentacled monsters product of [fev|radiation|military experiment], and it'd fit juuuuust fine with fallout's sense of humor.
Your statement makes a modded random encounter with Yuriko Omega seem non contradictory with Fallout lore. :biggrin: J/k


Well, i remember there being yakuza with wakizachi on one of the older games, and an Abe Lincoln action figure that wields a katana on fallout 3 (a satire of an aqua teen hunger force episode), so girl with katana ain't too far fetched; neither are tentacle monsters, just need an excuse to give her a silly sailor uniform and some plot for her to go on a revenge quest against the critters.


I also remember there being a companion on one of the older games that could either speak with the dead through some voodoo crap or had esp or something along those lines.



You could also turn tranquility lane into happy tree friends, and it'd fit so perfectly it's scary

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You could also turn tranquility lane into happy tree friends, and it'd fit so perfectly it's scary


I never realized that I wanted this until you said it.


Tranquil Tree Friends will be the greatest mod in the history of Nexus. The mod gods with weep tears of shame, and with their chins in the dirt, they will look up, and see the glory of perfection. It does not matter what came before, or what comes after -- this mod will be so significant that the world powers will, if only for a moment, stop all war on Earth to gaze in awe at the wonder of the Tranquil Tree Friends mod. Once the mod has been uploaded onto Nexus, the universe will have served it's purpose, and will cease to exist.






If only I knew how to do it. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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