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CBBE and CBBE 3BA questions


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Recently started modding but wanted to download cbbe and cbbe 3ba, however, when I have all the requirements for both mods and no conflicts in MO2, it still refuses to work by me not being able to use the sliders under CBBE 3BA Morphs, I've used bodyslide and its batch build like suggested by others having the same problem and FNIS and even Nemesis but nothing seems to work I'm starting to think that these mods and there requirements don't work for Skyrim SE v1.6.64 but there are nothing suggesting otherwise. If anyone can, please help me out if u can.


Below is my mod list:


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idk if it's broken in AE or not


Having said that there are other reasons this can happen


Bodyslide works with a preset (a set of adjustment values) and a body/outfit (mesh)

Preset - instructions - slider, zaps - for modifying the source mesh (ex: female body)

Body/Outfit - the mesh being modified by the preset. (ex: female body...mesh)



For instance, one reason is choosing a CBBE preset when trying to modify a CBBE-3BA body or armor, since the CBBE preset doesn't include all the necessary sliders for 3BA (since CBBE didn't have them, 3BA being an evolved "child" to its CBBE "parent" model.)


in general terms choosing any preset not made explicitly for the body type being fiddled with can cause issues, since each type has unique control elements (not so much slider named in the program, but the names you don't see that point to mesh nodes). So CBBE preset with CBBE body, CBBE-3BA preset with CBBE-3BA body, BHUNP v3 preset for a BHUNP v3 body, etc.


So, I'd make sure that the preset is made for your installed body type and try again.


There's something else too. I'm still on an older version , but I guess in the newer bodyslide there's some additional checkbox (Beyond the checkbox for "Build Morphs" that you need to check or there won't be any output, or so I've read in many posts over the past year or so. idk the details, check with the Bodyslide mod page


A third reason that comes to mind is that IF you've installed things outside the default presumed folders, Bodyslide may not be pointed to the right output....so you might need to set the proper output folder via Bodyslide settings. I chose default installation paths, and haven't had that issue, but a LOT of people have.


And just in case you're not aware, always make sure to check the Build Morphs checkbox so you have Racemenu support in-game. Not ALL items will respond (some are glitched, some are just old), but many/most do

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FNIS/Nemesis have nothing to do with body meshes, they are just tools for managing Skyrim animation database. Animations work on the skeleton, and it is entirely irrelevant if the mesh is vanilla, CBBE, UNP, HIMBO or whatever.


CBBE is a female body mesh, properly weighted to the Skyrim skeleton to provide a fair approximation of real human body movement. That is beside the point though.


CBBE is not just a mesh, but also a set of morphs (sliders). A morph is essentially a list of vectors for each affected vertex. If you take a look into ShapeData folders under CalienteTools\BodySlide, you will see that each .nif (mesh) file is accompanied by an .osd file which holds all the applicable morphs. Of course, such file by itself is of no use, you need software that understands it and provides interface for using it. One such software is BodySlide. It loads the mesh and gives you the list of sliders defined in the .osd. Moving the slider changes the value of its morph and moves associated vertices of the mesh.

CBBE 3BA is an extension of CBBE. It uses the same base mesh - which makes it compatible with any skin and clothing designed for CBBE - but it defines behavior of a number of additional physics-controlled bones, and weighs mesh vertices to take advantage of those bones. And it also adds a fairly large number of morphs for an even higher degree of body customization. You technically do not need CBBE if you install 3BA, but CBBE includes all of vanilla outfit conversions, which, while not taking advantage of extra bones/sliders of 3BA, are compatible with it.


Now, with that in mind: Just like you can vary boob size with a slider in BodySlide, it is possible to have software that is part of the game engine itself that can use morph files directly in-game. In fact, vanilla game engine can do just that cause all the speech lip syncing and facial expressions are done via head morphs. As well as all the facial features customization where you can make nose longer, mouth wider, etc. However, vanilla engine uses only vanilla morphs. In order to make all the other morphs work, you need 3 things:

1. A mod that will actively look for and load those morphs and provide sliders for them. Predominantly, this is Racemenu.

2. Morph files which Skyrim recognizes. Like BodySlide morph files are .osd, Skyrim uses .tri format morph files. In BodySlide, there is a 'Build Morphs' checkbox which will use the .osd file to create the .tri file along with the meshes.

3. A meta-tag named 'BODYTRI' within the built mesh file indicating location and name of the .tri file. In general, if BodySlide is set to Build Morphs, it will add the tag to the meshes.


So, if you have Racemenu and are not seeing CBBE 3BA Morphs body sliders in it, either you did not check 'Build Morphs' in BodySlide, OR your Batch Build is set to favor regular CBBE over 3BA.

You can check this by:

Run BodySlide, look for 'CBBE 3BBB Body Amazing' On the bottom, above 'Batch Build', there will be a path and name of mesh it will build, and it will be in either red or blue.

If in red, chances are some other body version is used for actors\character\character assets\femalebody*. Check the box next to it, it should turn light blue. Check 'Build Morphs' and then Build. Then see if you get the 3BA sliders in Racemenu.

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One other point, if you want to make adjustments to the sliders for a body, you should give it a unique name in the 'preset' field, and SAVE it. I have gotten so involved trying to make adjustments that I forget to save, so I finally decided to save the preset once I either get a section done (like the torso, or muscle definition), or even just a few closely related sliders (like the calf sliders) done.

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One other point, if you want to make adjustments to the sliders for a body, you should give it a unique name in the 'preset' field, and SAVE it. I have gotten so involved trying to make adjustments that I forget to save, so I finally decided to save the preset once I either get a section done (like the torso, or muscle definition), or even just a few closely related sliders (like the calf sliders) done.

Just because repetition is sometimes a good thing. Like now.


Always save your modified Bodyslide presets. as a custom preset. I name them the same as I name my current player, if it's Bob, it's "bobs body", if it's Sharline, it's sharlines body".


And also note that if you happen to play as a female, it can pay to have multiple variants to account for sheer vs heavy clothing (steel armor would not deform to accommodate large nipples for instance - causing a visible nipple bulge on the steel armor), nor would it normally cause "push-up" like "some fancy French bra", and a peasant's dress is also unlikely to cause pushup, although it's possible it might show some nip

For instance My female has three presets. naked, naked with pushup (for sheer clothing) and no nips, squooshed breasts (for fitting true "armor")

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