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Morzan the LichLover

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A Lich IMO is a wizard that made a pact with death so that although the body becomes rotten and corrupted the mage does not die.


I have a feeling that somewhere on the summit forum I read about a potion that turns you into a lich (or perhaps an amulet). It might be worth checking that out before you spend a lot of time at it.

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He was telling you that there is possibly a mod on MWSummit and that you should go and check it out before you spend too much time straining yourself over it. He wasnt going off topic.


I would look into the Scripted Spells mod myself and see if there is some sort of script that transforms you or what it is. Then (since it is a spell) make it into an enchantment and put it on an item or drink after making it for a lich.

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i know 3 ways to become a lich:

-download the Illuminated Order mod and complete the factions quests. (hard for beginner characters)

-download the Lich craft mod and use that (if u are on high levels)

-make a lich race mod by the TES Construction Set. ( this is hard i think)


thats all ;)

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Potions activates spells. And spells can activate scripts The vampire scripts will be

a template for your lich. Exchanging the vampire's stats, immunities, spells, and powers for those of a lich should be simple enough.

Another way is to attach the spell to the mere touching of the bottle instead of drinking the potion. At least these scripts should give you a clue of what to do


caliban :cool:

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