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Another script n00b question


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I am trying to trigger a menu with results for different buttons, the result being another message followed by initiating a conversation.


BEGIN GameMode

;buttons are in menu triggered by dialog

 set Button to GetButtonPressed
	  If (button == 0 )
	  If DoOnce == 0 
	  ShowMessage abc123
	  Set DoOnce to 1
	  aaaxyzref.StartConversation Player topicabc123


There are 2 more buttons after that which obviously lead to different messages and conversations.


I have tried the If DoOnce's and Set DoOnce's in different places, and I can get the message abc123 to show, but it keeps showing over and over after I hit OK. It will either do that or not show at all. I can't get the conversation to start if I leave the showmessage in, and when I don't see the conversation. First of all, hopefully that made sense, and secondly I am hopefully making a n00bish mistake here and someone can correct me.



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It helps us to see the entire script. You may have made a mistake elsewhere, at it makes it easier for us to understand what's going on overall.
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