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Problems with Official Oblivion 12416 Patch

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Someone on tesnexus had suggested to me that i should download and install the patch so that my game would be better(?) By the way, I have Oblivion GOTY if that helps or changes anything.


So after the patch had finished updating oblivion, i started it and didn't really notice any differences. Then when i tried it the next day, weird stuff has been starting to happen in the game.


For some reason, all enchanted items have little white spots or are completely white. Secondly, when i use/equip the enchanted items, my character's ears and eyes turn white as well. Lastly, when i am near trees, they switch between being normal and being completely black. This is happens with most trees but not all.


While im not completely sure my problems are from the patch, they only happened after i installed it so what i wanted to know was is there any way to uninstall a patch? Or is there any way to fix these problems? And also has this happened to anyone else?


Thanks :thanks:

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well this sorta save me time I guess, anyways, I'm running OOO but I need to patch it so I can use Obes for some mods (i.e. denock arrows) but since OOO replaces all the old files the pach won't work so I can't install obes.


A method that doesn't involve me re-installing my game and mods is best :thanks:

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