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Morzan the LichLover

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When you are in the render window, hit 'h' and a screen comes up. You can set your edit radius (for getting a large chunk, I reccommend 20 or smaller, for ordinary small editing I reccommend 3 - 6 depending on what you are doing), smooth edge (which smoothes out any hard edges), flatten edge (which flattens the surface completly and anything tied to it), and land textures. The land textures are very hard to see with the little screen they give you, so I sugget that you select one, then try it on the land (Right Mouse Click) and undo if you dont want it. To alter the land, set your edit radius and your other things (besides the land textures) and use the left mouse button to move it up and down. If you have troubles, just let me know and I can help you or ask someone else.
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