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Vampire mod?


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Im looking for a mod that will fix the Vampire aging thingy.


Example: My argonian character is Blue but when he turns into a vampire he goes back to the default color.


Is there a way to fix it so he can stay blue (And have the shame shape)?

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Hey, I do know that there are a few Vampire aging fixes. The one I know about for sure is the one included in Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul, located at TES Nexus




*Note* This is a makeover for Oblivion. Its not a bad mod by any means, but it does add a lot of stuff. If you want to add it, you might want to use Oblivion Mod Manager.


There are also a few other Vampire aging fixes, but I haven't used any. Here is another I ran into on TES Nexus




I haven't used either as I have not done to many of the quests with Vampires, but I hope these help. :biggrin:

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