AncientSpaceAeon Posted July 4, 2009 Author Share Posted July 4, 2009 Anyone can comment about mods that promoted here you know. And you don't need to promote your own mod, you can promote someone's else mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AncientSpaceAeon Posted July 4, 2009 Author Share Posted July 4, 2009 Can this topic get in to the "Important Topics" list ? (Pinned, maybe it's the word.) Anyway. I'm going to promote this mod A rather modern house mod, but not too modern. Fully retextured. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AncientSpaceAeon Posted July 5, 2009 Author Share Posted July 5, 2009 I'm going to promote this site, full of house mods, some doesn't exists elsewhere. From the site address, we know the site name is Oblivion Real Estate. Some mods exists in the Nexus and some are not. I recommend this site, if you can't find good house mods in TESNexus. Find it there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AncientSpaceAeon Posted July 6, 2009 Author Share Posted July 6, 2009 Castle Seaview, a good castle mod. Note : Finally, TESNexus uses endorsements system (kinda thumbs up and down). While I'm happy of this because it's more simpler to find stuff. There's a drawback, for me. Mods I promoted usually comes with my regular search. I search on a category, then I sorted it from the highest rating, to the lowest rating. The mods are sorted from the highest rating (usually 10), to the lowest. Usually, the rating of 10.00 means it's a really good mod, but not many download it. If many downloaded it, there's at least one person rated the mod less than 10. I'm really sorry if this insult any staff of TESNexus, but don't worry, I'll accept the new system. This is for our own good, so no other members will rated our mod with no logic, example "I rated this 1 because it make me scared", even through it's a horror mod. And it does have good effects, but please, think of what I'll said. There are mods out there that's not popular even through got a really positive rating, but not popular (very little download). I think there's must be someway to fix this problem. But then, there's always other members who want to promote their own mods. "The top 100 lists are provided as a means for users to find the most popularly endorsed modifications available on this site" Sentence above it what was described at Top 100 TESNexus site. The words "most populary endorsed" is what I'm talking about. It's not "most highly endorsed". My request is to add a section where it's : Top 100 "most highly endorsed". (Use somekind of formula like before this system) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted July 6, 2009 Share Posted July 6, 2009 I can't really see how you can promote mods by having them in a topic with hundreds of posts, all trying to promote a different a a mod. Or commenting on a different mod. After a dozen, which mod were they commenting on? the one directly above? or one 2 pages back? They get lost in the masses. The simplest way to promote 'your' mod is to make some change and reupload. It will be placed it that day's list of updates - essentially on the front page. The change can be something simple like a new image, or a change to the documentation, or more complex, like a new version that adds something to the existing mod. Try the new system for a while, let us know what you think - in the topic we already have set up for that. It's not finished yet, there will be more changes to come. Some based on feedback we get on the forums. We already have a topic for each mod ever created on Tesnexus. It is automatically created whenever someone uploads a mod. The 'comments' on the mod download page are automatically placed into that mods topic on the forums. That is the best place to look for information and troubleshooting information on that particular mod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AncientSpaceAeon Posted July 6, 2009 Author Share Posted July 6, 2009 All right, agreed. Never thought of that, but not many modders update their mod them self, so this topic is also for promoting someone's mods. But the "updates recently" part of the site was just fulled with too many mods, "updates today" part of the site, even less filled, still so many. Sometimes confusing also, but mod that created a long time ago maybe never be updated again. And sometime the modders doesn't care again about his unpopular hard-work, and leave his file in the Nexus. You say too, that to update your mod is the "simplest" way. Perhaps it's not the best way, but maybe there is ? Well, I think I can try this new system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PacificMorrowind Posted July 7, 2009 Share Posted July 7, 2009 well as a user you can post a screenshot; most (many, some, a few, all, I don't actually know but I do) allow users to post screenshots without review. that puts them into the today/recent list.Pacific Morrowind Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AncientSpaceAeon Posted July 7, 2009 Author Share Posted July 7, 2009 Still, the updates today (especially updates recently) have a long list of updated mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunairalasce Posted July 13, 2009 Share Posted July 13, 2009 Aeon you love promoting mods don't you? XD I'll promote my brother's mod: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AncientSpaceAeon Posted July 13, 2009 Author Share Posted July 13, 2009 Aeon you love promoting mods don't you?Usually, after that new rating system starts, it's hard to promote mods again. So the highest endorsements means the most popular, but now I can't find those who not popular but it's so good. But except the endorsements system, this new rating system is good. But . . . I've found a list at bethesda's forums ! Here's the list, it's the list of "Roleplay, Replay and a Randomly Generated, Job Mod List". Not many of this are popular, so they fits here. Well credits of making that list goes to "lansi", the list creator (lansi is his username at bethesda's forums). But I recommend these : Sorry no mod names, but you can find the complete at the link : All credit goes to he that make the list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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