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If (skill level...)


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I need an "if" function that determines what level you are in a particular skill, and if you're over that particular level will continue the script. Does anyone know the function for that?


try GetActorValue

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The best way to learn IMO is goto the CS and bring up a quest and script your familiar with and then go here:




to learn what it does and how it works. That is what i have been doing. On the wiki there are decent tutorials but it does assume you know the basics. Which those skills you just have to jump head first in and hope you dont hit bottom. I have the above link bookmarked and on a toolbar for quest referencing. I also have some of their sample scripts too. So do not write it off just yet. IT will be you bread and butter in the learning process.


Nearly everyone i think has taught themselves more than they did tutorials. This may not be the answer you are wanting, but it is the best way to learn. Start small because you are going to fail and fail. Even the most experienced scripter and quest maker can work months on a piece of code only to find out it will not work as intended.


The more you stick with it the better it will be i promise. Like said probably not the answer you wanted, but it will probably help you the most.

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