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Morrowind UI in Oblivion


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I've always thought that Morrowind's user interface (particularly the window structure) was superior to Oblivion's. My question is this: How long would it take, and how hard would it be to recreate that in Oblivion?


I understand (to the best of my knowledge) that this would have to be done completely from scratch, as Morrowind's user interface files are untouchable. Besides that problem, there is always the problem of default size and orientation. With the major differences of 4:3, 16:9, and 16:10 screen shape, it would require a different default for each of those three.


I'm probably leaving a whole slew of details out, but if anyone's interested, I'd like to begin work on this ASAP, if that's at all possible.

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Take a look at those :


http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13747 - Remake of the classic Morrowind Hud

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3595 -

The fully featured interface mod wz_Inventory brings back the good old grid-based inventory. And fully configurable too!





Alex Valentine

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Take a look at those :


{bunch of pictures and links}




Alex Valentine

I've looked at these before. What I was looking for was the setup in Morrowind where all of the windows were visible at all times. I don't know if it's really at all possible inside Oblivion, though, it's just something I'd like to see.

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