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Computer blue screen of death

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I've had this problem for quite a while now.

At the end of October I bought this new computer: http://www.amazon.co.uk/VIBOX-Warrior-Multimedia-78LMT-USB3-Motherboard/dp/B007PBHLHM and installed Windows 8 on it. At the start it was fine, but about a month after it started to get the blue screen of death, the most common cause being system thread- exception not handled. I started to get these more and more frequently; recently, I expect to get it at least twice or three times a day. It also sometimes reboots itself for no reason, which is also quite annoying.

As I have little experience with computers I am not really sure what to do, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Take a look at this. Apparently it's a common error in Windows 8.




Honestly, you should of just got Windows 7. 8 it still pretty unstable and just plain crappy :tongue:

Edited by Illiad86
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