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oh... DO the traders ever actually travel to Canterbury Common?


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in freeplay, avoiding the main quest, and in the early levels, I decided to tag along with a trader from Megaton to Rivet City. It makes sense to be part of a caravan rather than travel there alone for the first time, and I get to pick up any loot from downed hostiles and flog it to said trader. After I made caravans essential, I eventually got to RC with Crazy Wolfgang, and decided to stick with him and his merry band to see where they went next, hoping it would be Canterbury Common as I haven't got there yet. I felt sure he would go there as it is mentioned as a main base for the traders business.


Well, he doesn't, he simply goes back the way he came, and it is quite boring and time-consuming on the way back as the enemies haven't had time to spawn again, so no loot and no battles. Disappointing. I suppose it will be the same journey for all four of them. Hmph :mad:

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I haven't made it to Canterbury Common yet, but that will be my next objective. The plan is to map the whole area before I do any quests - I missed so much when I first did the main plot. - and now I have my pet eyebots I feel I have a chance of getting there in one piece ( eventually). Secret routes hey M48.. Ok.. will go with that. :blush:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was hoping to accompany them on all their journeys to the various stops GaryClone, I have done that, starting at Megaton, and accompany them to Rivet City, but then it is just a return journey to Megaton, not onward to Canterbury Common as I supposed it might be. I haven't yet tried following them from Canterbury Common, but maybe I will go there, just to see what happens next :)

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