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Since i learned of this sword ( check this if you don't know what i'm talking about), i wanted to bring it to life, (i know there is a version, but its old, i am not diggin' the sword but anyway)

I want to make a quest out of it, and make it feel like it was ingame all along, aesthetically and gameplay wise, so that the sword would be a relevant and balanced choice through an entire playthrough.

I already have the sword, the shape of my quest, but where i need suggestion is on the enchanting part.

I'm torn between "the sword reacts to the shouts used (good for actually using different shouts)" , "a blessing/curse system depending on your allegiance (good for rp)" and "how the f*#@ do i incorporate the 'rage of the ancients' shout in all this?"

Please share your thoughts, ideas.

PS: For now i won't share any precise information about meshes, textures or quest details as i really don't want the players to know what is gonna happen, like when we all played skyrim for the first time.

If you have an idea concerning the quest, please send it via private message, #LeastPossibleAmountOfSpoil x)

Edited by PoppeFR
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Not sure about a quest to obtain it.


Effect wise having a weapon that takes on the abilities of the shout used on it sounds pretty cool. Use Fus Ro Dah on the sword and then fully charged heavy attack swings could send an opponent flying. Use the Ethereal shout on the weapon and it can pass through friendlies without harm yet deal damage to enemies. Use Whirlwind Sprint on the weapon and on weapon draw while aiming at an enemy, launch into them point first. So many cool possibilities. Unsure if all of them would be possible. Some would, others might not.

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Thanks for your reply ^^
My goal for the quest is that the player feels rewarded throught each stages, and developping some homebrewed lore in an immersive way. For the shout effects, i'll have to make a list of which shouts could work, but it's hard to find something isn't too cheesy, and original, i'll keep exploring possibilities

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