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[LE] Reading books without the freeframe menu


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I thought it could be cool to be able to read books, without everything frozen in time. So that you could sit in your house, and your followers can do what they do like argue, or that you could just stand and read somewhere. Could even be cool if you could smoke a pipe while reading. It might give reading a more homey feel.

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Guest deleted2027229

Ishara is correct, SkyrimSouls will do that and yes it can unpause the reading menu. It's an excellent mod all round and makes combat a lot more engaging.

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There is a mod called SkyrimSouls which un-pauses the game menus. It may include reading books. I have not used it so I cannot say for certainty.

Thanks for this tip, I had seen the mod but had doubts, and the truth is that it is super cool. Thanks for the information


Although it would be necessary to take into account some mod that changes the size of the book when opening them, since it occupies the entire screen and you cannot see what is happening behind it, only on the edges of the screen
Edited by rodr1ss
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