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Morzan the LichLover

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just some ideas....


I myself don't knoiw how to make a new summoning spell but i've made items that summon different creatures.


you could attach a script to a misc_item, i use soulgems, that when equiped places a certain creature near the Player. Works like a summon spell if the creatures AI is set to follow the player, otherwise the creature will probably attack you. For a time limit possibly use a timer script on the creature that disables after a certain time.


My Silver Saint SoulGem is in the downloads section, i made it a little different to use, you buy a soulgem with a trapped silver saint, you have to drop it then activate it and a silver saint apears on top of it, looking like it was releasesd from it, then you can pick up the empty soul gem and take it back to the merchant who sells it to get it refilled.


theres another mod out there that allows you release the creature of the captured soul in soulgems.


I'm working on a script attached to clothing that when worn summons a creature that automaticlly respawns if killed and disables when the clothe is not worn, it should be simple but isn't working. :*(


If someone knows how to make new summon spells I'd like to know too.

(probably over my head though)

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I'm pretty sure that the summon spells themselves are hard-coded and new ones can't be made.


But as Kevin said there are some scripting techniques to get around it. But making an actual new summon spell isn't possible without hacking the game (dangerous and illegal).

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