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Creation Engine, Previsibines and the migraines who love them


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Hallo, long time user, fledgling modder, first time poster lookin for any guidance on how to fix the absolute nightmare that is previs.


I make do the mods thing a little, but it's pretty basic. I don't really know what I'm doing, so I'm pretty bad at it. And creation engine scares me. if I can't do it in xEdit, I don't do it.


I followed the midnight runner's guide as closely as possible because I really hate when level geometry disappears when I turn my camera the wrong way, and for the most part I haven't had issue with it until recently. From a few trees.. to the occasional overpass.. and now floors in my settlements are doing it. I'm 99% sure it's not an issue with any specific mod but just good old fashioned in-fighting. Considering that every mod in my order is absolutely essential, then my issues only exist for me. There is no patch, it's just the nature of this particular LO. So I have to fix it myself. Problem is I'm horribly inept and woefully underequipped to handle the situation.


I'm following a guide on DIY previs / precombines on how to rebuild them for your custom LO but the guide is old, a little unclear on certain things, I'm unable to follow certain instructions, (like it says to disable PRP.esp if you use that mod, which when I try to untick the box, it just turns square. which is weird since no other mod has a dependency on it.) and I'm kinda just flying blind.


If anyone knows what I'm even on about and can give a bit of guidance or links to some resources (manuals, videos, etc) I would be very grateful and also award you with my thanks and one free whole real actual pristine mint condition internet to spend at your own discretion.

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