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Player home Alternatives to Creation Club content?


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So I saw this announcement that said that GOG came out with a DRM-free Fallout 4 game of the year edition which comes with all DLCs.


the only thing that stops me from getting it, is the fact that Bethesda .net and the content creation club would be both disabled. I don't care too much about Bethesda Net, but I did have some creation content I liked very much such as the noir penthouse and all the other player homes. I also downloaded the mods that would allow me to build using the club content as I liked the modern clean sleek looks.


So I was wondering, what is a good alternative to those? I know there are already alternatives to things like the backpack and Chinese suit, but I don't see anything for player homes.


the player homes I have is--

Noir Penthouse

Charlestown Condo-- I think I already found a good alternative here but haven't checked it out yet-- https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33746

Neon Flats

Edited by AuroraMoon
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The modder that made Noir Penthouse has 3 house mods on Nexus, including Bixby's Apartment and Cyber-Light Apartments. You can find his mods here.


The Charlestown Condo author has a house mod on Bethesda.net. You can find that here.


For more modern furniture, you can try Renovated Furniture. Check out that author's profile. They have other modern items as well.

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sorry, forgot about this post as I was more active on the Reddit modding community. Unfortunately, I won't be able to use the bethesda.net one as the gog verison of Fallout 4 is DRM-free meaning that even bethesda.net will be disabled as the gog version doesn't use any online functionality.


However, Bixby Apartment and Cyber-Light Apartments are definitely perfect for my needs, thank you very much!

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