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How do i Download files from the side


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Ya I cant find an actual download link on any of the files on this website. Should the download start when I open for the file a want? Im really wanting to download a few mods but just cant seem to find what to click. Would be grateful if you could help a poor retched noob like me.
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Are you logged into the site? Not the forums, but the site itself........each requires a login.


When you go to a file page you see several tabs above the description,


Description Files Images Comments Mirrors Action log Tags


Click on the file tab, you now see the files available for download.


Click on the file you want, it will either start the download sequence or for files above 2 megs in size take you to a new window to select a file server, click on your server of choice and the download sequence will start.


To make the best use of the sites features, ensure that you have cookies and java enabled in your browser. If you are using a no scripts addon, you need to disable it or create an exception for the site.


Hope this helps.



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I have a set of help files for people who are not computer geeks and are new to mods. They include downloading, extracting (unzipping) installing and activating mods. With pictures for those who have problems following printed explanations. I have included a simple mod to practice on and instructions for installing and using 7-zip. If you are interested, click on the highlighted link below to be taken to the site where they are kept. I recommend starting with #1 and working your way through them.




If you use them I would appreciate some feedback as to what needs improvement and what works for you. Please be honest and don't worry about hurting my feelings with criticism as I have a thick skin.

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I have a set of help files for people who are not computer geeks and are new to mods. They include downloading, extracting (unzipping) installing and activating mods. With pictures for those who have problems following printed explanations. I have included a simple mod to practice on and instructions for installing and using 7-zip. If you are interested, click on the highlighted link below to be taken to the site where they are kept. I recommend starting with #1 and working your way through them.




If you use them I would appreciate some feedback as to what needs improvement and what works for you. Please be honest and don't worry about hurting my feelings with criticism as I have a thick skin.

That's great, nice guide :thumbsup:

Btw: Fallout seems to run quiet well under Win7

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