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Green Electric Glow Won't Go :(

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Here’s my current play-nemesis (this is a still frame of a disco-ball-neon-green-flashing Hell-scape) It is not a fog, it's an electricity-field moving all around his body:




I’m having a bit of an issue with this cyber-green-neon FX not stopping after using the clear all potion or FX removal mods. :sad:




I have these mods installed/uninstalled, and have set all the game and mod settings, change clothes and gear, etc. Trying to stop this green FX on Geralt, it’s maddening.


What’s going on (a fix or a better idea, please).




I’m only listing (my Steam install) patch 4.04 mods with possible FX graphical options, which I've installed or had installed, and none have helped with (this FX issue), (listed here in no particular order).


1. God Mode - Play How You Want To - NG 4.04 BETA45-7249-8-0-0b45-4-04-1689848983 – Yes, there’s an update… but it’s only for Korean language support, so I’m staying put with the English language install.


2. Disable Mutation Glow All in One Next Gen-8451-1-0-1692029777. - uninstalled.

3. All Perks Always Active - Additional Perks-7256-4-03-1688818614. - mutation stuff, issue?

4. CleanScreen - All in One-7233-3-1-1-1683855216. - my eyes need this mod.

5. No Potion Drinking Screen FX-7348-1-3-1691427674. - uninstalled.

6. Disable Glow Effect Only-1587-4-00-1673126884. -uninstalled.


7. Some FX file (where to start) which I could edit in WolvenKit-7, to remove this effect visually?




I was hoping that the 2, 5-6th mods would be the fix I’ve needed - nope.


I HATE this Cyber-Witcher FX, it causes motion-sickness symptoms when playing for a long time, “the flashing”, and it makes Roach look weird, flashing her neon saddle-lights under the Witcher’s ass.




Sadly, these mods weren’t the fix either, and I have a 112+ hours in the game, I’m not restarting (but I might uninstall a few extra mods/tweaks if that would help). I have no other FX mods for weapons, clothing, etc.


I don’t have an old-save without the green-neon issue. I wouldn’t know how far back (auto-saves) I’d have to go, (I think this started in the “Get Junior” quest, first started this quest 100 hours in).


I don’t know, I’m outta’ ideas. :sad:




Any helpful explanation of what may be causing this “green-flashing-light-show”... for I’d like to burn this “feature” (what is it) with Hell-fire, and get back to playing.




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Wow (I'm speaking to myself) now...


For a game from 2015, truly no other player has ever had this issue? Here I was thinking that the Internet had most of the information to offer, on just about everything... wrong.


- Or even someone with an idea of what this Electrified Green FX is supposed to be in the game.


I mean, this electrified-glowing body light-show can't be something the Dev's added on purpose. -Sarcasm. :sad:




So far, I have not been able to find any in-code issue "pointers", or a texture file (maybe it's a FX animation - really screwed, probably.


WolvenKit-7 won't convert the uncooked *.xbm texture files for me into an editable image file, so that's not helping to find this green FX), or to edit them to fix this.




If I find an answer, I'll post the fix to this issue here, so others will have someone they can thank and provide some kudos. :D

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I made a little script mod, (made for myself for this issue), and it has (for now) "fixed" the green-glowing issue. I've finished several quests, change outfits, gear, saves, etc., and the FX issue has not popped-up again (if it does, I'll repost my findings in this thread).

I got my mod idea from looking at potential code "pointers", which another mod for an "Red FX" fix (that looked just like my Green FX issue) had:

Adrenaline Rush FX Remover - Did not installed it, but I've Endorsed (for the idea), and given Kudos.


- I used W3 Mod Manager (not Vortex) to install my mod, and used Script Merger to merge with my other 79+ working mods. For now my graphic FX issue is resolved. :smile:

- I'm providing this information and files because I said I would in my last post, if I found a personal fix for my FX issue.

* If anyone chooses to use the mod (I made for this issue), I grant no guarantees, (although, it's just three script files, you can always uninstall the mod, and delete the script merges, to revert back to your original mod merges.


Download Link: Gdrive

VirusTotal: Result


Q: Why not create a mod page on Nexus for this mod?

A1: This mod was created to fix this "seemly-singular" for myself gameplay issue, but if it helps someone in the future (could happen), that's cool. :smile:

A2: It may be only a temporary "fix", and the issue could pop-up again down the questing road.




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