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I'm currently finalizing a new LO and am having a problem with 'distant grey snow'. I've had this issue before and have always been able to fix it with a patch from ProjectedDiffuse Patch Hub but that doesn't seem to be working in this case. The snow mod I'm using has two files in the textures/effects folder (ProjectedDiffuse.dds and ProjectedNormalDetail.dds) but the landscape mod I'm trying to overwrite has four files (the same two plus ProjectedNoise.dds and ProjectedNormal.dds). I was going to try the file on the HD Terrain Noise Texture SE page (https://www.nexusmod...tion/mods/47057) but I've never been able to successfully use xLodGen. I do use Dyndolod but as I understand it, this doesn't affect the problem I'm having.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Okay so... I tried something and somehow made the problem much worse. I copied the snow01.dds, brightened it in Paint Net significantly (50%), changed the name to projecteddiffuse.dds and dropped it in my textures/effects folder... then I copied the snow01_n.dds, did the same and changed the name to projectednormal.dds and put it into the same folder. At first, it seemed like it worked somewhat but after a few minutes in game (I always test snow at Aftand Lift) the distant snow seemed to get darker and I could see seams between the snow decals. I don't know if I saved the files in the correct format (I went with what Paint Net set as the default) but... I'm going to call this a bust. Just updating here because there's a surprisingly sparse amount of fixes out there, aside from the ProjectedDiffuse Patch Hub. I figure any info on this is a good thing. Again... any help would be appreciated.

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idk, in your first experiment, since you brightened it and it darkened, maybe try darkening the "test file" instead for another test before you fall back to the orignals. Perhaps it works more like a masking layer, and darker means lighter and visa versa...


PDN *should be defaulting to whatever was imported, so my first impression on that one would be "red herring"...not 100% of course, but...

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Actually I think I had saved them in the wrong format initially so I tried again and saved them in BC7 format and it seemed to work much better. I also tried to use the vanilla moise.dds and brightened it quite a bit which was a bit better still but still too dark.


By PDN do you mean the projected diffuse normals?

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Ahhh... that makes a lot more sense! So are you thinking that the original file format may have been incorrect?

No... Actually, I'm surprised that it didn't (???) recognize the original format and present that as the default save option.


The only time I experienced problems on that front was when I actively "chose" the output format (and chose wrong), back when I was less sure of how it worked (and now I'm doubting my presumption about how it works... if you really got a wrong format as default save choice)


Hain't had hide nor hair of issues with them since I started using whatever format it picks and just blindly accept its choice, so I'm not exactly sure what happened here.

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Unfortunately I can't offer any insight... this was my first time using it. I pretty much abandoned trying to get my snow to work. I'm using Parallax Terrain Blending which complicates things beyond my ability to make it work. After 5 days of trial and error (or just error really) I've decided to just use the snow from Atlantean Landscapes. Not as nice (IMO) as Snoblind but still pretty damned good... and everything matches nicely. Thanks for your suggestions though... you're always very helpful!

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