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New Mod problem


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My CS crashed, learned the hard way I can't play with exterior cells on a laptop. Anyway next time i loaded the plugin it came up with the error message


script " in file 'my file name' has not been compiled.


where the " is I think there should be a file name but there isn't and I try to recompile all and it crashes the CS. Please help I have put well over 50 hours into this mod, I know that not too much but it is my first. And it was turnig out pretty good. had 3 good quests a good story line and some cool, but not uber, new items.

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I have had the same problem one time...dont think I had attached the Script right to the "Chest of riddles" I was working on, this problem should be a piece of cake for an experienced modder, if you cant find any help here, head over to MW summit forums, there are alot of people there that might be able to help you :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

What I did when the same thing happened to me was I went and compiled the scripts and the same thing happened to me as it did to Kissimurra in this topic: http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?showtopic=13338


That is 3 people with the same problem and I am really hoping someone has an answer to relieve these two poor souls from theit misery... My soul isnt poor, its just pathetic...

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This might work if you don't have any scripts:


1. Open TESCS

2. Go to the 'Data Files' Menu

3. Find your mod

4. Hit 'Details'

5. Sort by type (click 'type' at the top)

6. Find script

7. Delete any script that's not supposed to be there


If you have scripts, it gets trickier

1. Open a text editor, any will do

2. Open your mod

3. Open the script editor

4. Begin copy/pasting your scripts into the text file, making sure you separate them or somehow know which is which

5. Follow the above 7 steps

6. Open your mod again

7. Open the script editor

8. Make a new script

9. Paste the first of your scripts you copied to the text file

10. Repeat steps 8-9 until all your scripts are replaced

11. Hope and pray it fixes things and you didn't waste all that time for nothing :P

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