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Constant Freezes


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The problem I am facing is every 1-10 mins the game freezes for about 10-30 secs. The sound and music still work fine. Then the game runs normal. But then It will freeze. I tryed reinstalling my video card drivers and reinstalling the game but the problem is still there.


Im running windows XP with a P4 1.6

512 ddr ram

GForce 4800 128m

the computer runs great even DOOM3 runs smoothly

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dont worry man, I get these too and my computer is really good.


Mine doesnt freeze though it crashes to desktop without telling me what the problem was....






1. Go and write down all of the mods that you are using and tell us


2. Install morrowind fps optimizer 9its like 400kp)


3. relax, this happens to everybody



fps optimizer really helps and you should get it for sure

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I dont think it is old saves cuse I ran a brand new install and and new games.


Another thing that its doing is the screen will freak out and show all sorts of bizare colors when I look west.


Im not running any mods.


I tryed using a release ram with the porgram, it speeds up load times and smooths game play but the game will still lock up all the time then somtimes crash to the desktop.



I lowered the res and the game looks like crap and does the same thing.

This computer used to run the game just fine.


Where can I download apps that help this game?

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well, morrowind just doesnt do that on its own...you really got to look into that graphics card of yours...


Theres not much more I can say but the fact that that is pretty bad, seeing weird things in the west and all..

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A no-cd crack fixing a problem instead of causing one? Highly unlikely, but you can try whenever you want.


The things I'd try are re(installing) the newest drivers for your video card, decreasing CPU, GPU or video card RAM clock speeds if they are overclocked, increasing the RAM latency time if you have chosen very low ones, reinstalling Morrowind and as far as the game freezing is concerned, it would be interesting whether it occurs just randomly or whether there is some sort of irregularity, say for example on transition from cell to another.

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Try changing ThreadLoad (or something like that) in the morrowind.ini file. If it's set to 1, try 0, and vice versa. This may help with the problem. When set to 1 I believe it causes the cell loading to be done in a separate thread, nominally in the background. Dpending on your system, using thread load may improve behavior or make it worse for cell loading.
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