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'failed to get owner quest for unowned conditions' (spells)

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Hi there,

So, I'm trying to add a conditional effect to a spell, however whenever I go to add the conditional function I recieve a popup: 'failed to get owner quest for unowned conditions' and the condition isn't reconized in-game.


I've tried unzipping the script files in my data folder, and still nothing. Any ideas?

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Are you asking about Machine Quest Variables and Keyword "Conditional" when applied to properties in scripts?


Cos yeah I know to do it....

  1. Knowing how to code is 100% required
  2. Write some code depending on what your trying to achieve that returns either a boolean or an (a signed 32 bit) integer
  3. set that return to a conditional property
  4. the keyword can only be applied to one script in a quest too, if has more than one script with the keyword, you will get ERRORS
  5. But that script can have multiple properties with the keyword
  6. then when you create Machine Quest Variable just link to that property in that quest
  7. you can use anywhere too not just spells, dialogue, packages etc Quests even
  8. basically it just custom user scripted condition to use with the creation kit.

been a while since I created one, if I made a mistake, someone correct me


When I was creating these I alway wished it would work with a Manual Property, that fact that only works with an Automatic Property pissed me right off, the getters and setters in a Manual Property are perfect for this.

  1. <- 9. so ONLY works with automatic properties (heheheh)


Edit:: LOL I left out a step the keyword needs to be in the script name too

Scriptname MyScript extends Quest  Conditional

Int Property iExample Auto Conditional
Bool Property bExample Auto Conditional

How you set those properties and make them dynamic? goto to step one: Knowing how to code is 100% required



Edit correction It is called a "Virtual Machine Quest Variable" and works with floats too.


There is sweet f**k all in the wiki about this https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/GetVMQuestVariable But it is not that hard.... I will do a quick guide.


I will use dialogue example: Dialogue has start and end fragments use start one to fire the function the will return bool, int or float has per your requirements, that will set the conditional property


then go to the dialogue conditions and select GetVMQuestVariable and link to quest with conditional script, then the conditional property, then set the Relational Operator to compare with conditional property to get your desired boolean out come on whether the KIT should use the Dialogue or give it a miss.


It could be this, if there is 10 or greater NPC watching the player, a NPC will challenge the player to a fist fight, if there less than 10 NPC with line of sight on the player, the NPC will not challenge... (sorry it all I could think of)


Basically there is condition you require to with use the creation kit that does not exist on this list




DO IT YOURSELF -> DIY it -> make your own creation kit conditions to be evaluated in packages dialogue quest etc, you just need to find a way to fire the function before the Game engine evaluated the conditions. ( geez I hate writing guides ) sorry for rambling

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