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Which mod? Q and E keys rotate camera in TFM mode.


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So recently, I either hit some key combo or installed a mod that has altered my flying camera mode. When in TFM mode, I now have zoom (digital zoom) using mousewheel, Q rotates left, E rotates it right, (R resets rotation) WASD as normal for moving, translating the camera, panning is now very rapid (touchy), It also seems to override my camera mods TFM speed (ie when pressing W/A/S/D), turning it almost down to zero.


It also always spawns the TFM camera about 15-20 feet above the player's head


It used to work like this: The TFM camera instance was spawned wherever the current view was placed (ie, you're scrolled out 25 ft from the player, it'd spawn there, if you were 2 ft from the player, it'd spawn there), and only WASD were active keys, no Q or E or R and no digital zoom (mousewheel).


Does this ring a bell with anyone? To the best of my knowledge, I haven't installed any camera mods recently, ... other than the release version of Improved Camera to replace beta 5, well before (a month or so at least) this started happening, so although I *could be wrong, I don't *think* it's that. I also can't imagine that I accidently hit some magical set of hotkeys that would change how my flying camera works, but who knows, maybe I did?



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