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Starfield is not Science Fiction


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To quality as a work of 'Science Fiction', a work must fit within the realm of plausible believability. Imagine a giant circle, within which all things that are possible exist. It's a big circle. In order to actually be a work of science fiction, the things in the material must be contained within that circle of 'all possible things'. If the work contains material that is impossible, that no amount of technology or future science could accommodate, it is fantasy set in a futuristic setting.


Two main points:

First. Manned space travel is as yet an impossibility. There was no moon landing. There are giant radiation belts around moons and planets that no modern technology can circumnavigate, and that in order to bypass, must be warped through. As in, totally avoided. The space travel mechanism in Starfield does not involve warp technology to escape from the radiation surrounding planets, and is based on modern mythology. The method of space travel present in Starfield is impossible, will never exist, and the future will never have space travel that looks like what is in Starfield.


Second. Dinosaurs in space. Dinosaurs never existed, they were created as an idea in some loser's mom's basement. No complete dinosaur skeleton has ever been discovered and every single dinosaur skeleton that exists in the world was made from melted down toilets in Chinese factories. The idea that somewhere, out there in the stars, must exist dinosaurs is a complete fallacy. Mythology, not sci fi.


These things exist to support what will be a threadbare storyline that is centered around mythology of it's own, that of organized religion mythologies.


No part of any of the game of Starfield qualifies as science fiction, or realistically depicts what humanitites future might possibly contain, at all. I see this as a direct consequence of these companies having such high employee turnover rate, and hiring such inexperienced people, that they cannot even provide relevant feedback as they do not even know what reality is yet. Kids, who only know propaganda, have no idea what reality is actually comprised of, the delusion and deceit that exists in the human consciousness, and cannot argue or fight back against their bosses absolutely terrible, nonsensical ideas. That's how synths made it into Fallout, employees too ignorant to even understand the basic tenents of what comprise reality.


Half of what I had to say about this topic I can't, because of censorship that disguises itself as 'correctness'. I can't even dispute how absurd and impossible certain components of the game are without being banned for being able to think.


Regardless, no component of Starfield qualifies as Sci Fi. No part of the game is a plausible depiction of human future. It is pure absurdity, built on impossibility, to perpetuate the myths of propagada. Nothing more, nothing less.

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To make a solid point, I'll present an actual Science Fiction storyline:


Sentient Space-Faring Jellyfish have encroached upon our Solar System. A vast cloud of Spore-Based Protoplasmic entities are descending towards Earth, mutating our natural biological lifeforms through their alien xenobiology into mindless killers, attacking and infecting everything not already affected by the mutation. Earth must rally it's defenses, then seek out a method to persue these being into space to find out where they came from and what their purpose is.


I came up with that in five minutes, by myself. Humans don't yet know for certain if Flying Space Fungus could or could not exist. It's within the realm of what is possible. Humans absolutely know that manned space-flight is impossible, they absolutely know dinosaurs were an invention, and they absolutely know a human being never brought another back from the dead. Sporefish invading and destroying earth is a more believable, plausible science fiction storyline than '****** riding dino's in Space, for Jayzeus!'.

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I could go into even more detail on how Starfield is not convincing Science Fiction.


In short clips, it's been shown how a guard will draw a weapon and stand and be shot without calling for backup. Security in real life, their first immediate action is to call backup. Even guards in Oblivion did this with cries of "Help!" It's not merely 'not futuristic', it doesn't even fit in line with today's methods of protocol. To actually make it sci-fi, not only would modern standards be met, with the guard calling for backup, extra measures would be included such as paralyzing agents being remotely employed from nearby walls or ceilings that start to immediately incapacitate a subject.


Take jetpacks as another example. Today's tech that somehow miraculously works in the future, when it doesn't in the present. The stuff of actual sci-fi, like anti-gravity, electromagnetic propulsion, or willy wonka's fizzy lifting juice, are more plausible than strapping a jet engine to one's back, defying inertial laws of physics, and being able to safely navigate.


Spaceships, shown to be identical clones of those found in No Man's Sky. Do you wonder why planets are round, why the sun is round, why just about everything in space is spherical and travels in orbital circles? It is because the sphere is the object that presents the least resistance to it's surroundings. Why make spacecraft derivative of another game's, when the design doesn't make sense for it's intended purpose? Everything, even the interior panel displays are identical to NMS? Imagine if reading science fiction, every book described it's ships using the same details, the same words, same design. Would you think those were real creative original people?


So what is the reason this game was made? As a concept, what made the team at Beth decide 'we have to make this.' I don't see any new ideas, no creative or original takes on the conceits already established by other space games. The designs of the ships, the NPCs, the alien creatures, they've all been seen and done before. The game doesn't even have the same presentation of technology that NMS does, with it's massive and actual open universe design. So it's not driven by new technology and it's not driven by creative ideas, what is it then, the electric car? I see a game where one person, driven by his 'vision', got rid of all the actual competent people who knew what they were doing in making videogames, and instead of a 'dreamgame' I just see propaganda and one man's self-delusion.

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Today is my birthday. 8/31. Happy Birthstar Dayfield.


Now, I'm not so blase to not realize the truth. People want Starfield because it contains the propagandistic tropes I've already described. A mind conditioned by brainwashing can only accept more brainwashing, not real information. Any attempts to dispute their mental conditioning they perceive as an attack on themselves instead. They defend false information as if it's a part of them, integral to their very being, because they have no alternative. They have no clearly defined views that aren't provided for them, and are flush with an entire culture of reinforced false information for them to use as 'evidence'.


I have a confession. I have magic powers. They released Starfield on my birthday, after all. Perhaps hoping to claim for themselves some of my luck, to 'steal my thunder', as it were. I know matter of factually that life and reality are infused with phenomenon invisible to human perception. Brimming, overflowing with it. There is more to reality that humans can't perceive than what they can.


The problem with mass-scale brainwashing, is not just that it creates Borg-like social conditions that are very difficult for people like me - those who have a kind of allergic-reaction to propaganda, an internal divining fork that points to the truth. We exist. Brainwashing propaganda entirely displaces the human ability to observe the magical abstract layers behind and beyond our perception that reality is really comprised of. Instead, their entire world is built of merely the visible, and only the imaginary they've been programmed to believe. They lose the ability to observe for themselves.


Good luck with the game.

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I think it's worth stating I had no early copy, I have not bought or played the game. All of this speculation was based on the gameplay trailers released by Beth 'them'selves. There is no adage in western culture about the weaknesses of predictability, a pity.


Instead of proving me wrong, Starfield is a completely binary litmus test for a person's mental susceptibility. It bluntly asks:


Are you Under the Influence of Mind-Control? A: Yes B: No


If A, enjoy Starfield. If B, stay away. Not even worth stealing.


This game is about to be roasted by player reviews, low 60's. When a game exist only as a vehicle for propaganda, every other element of the game must be absolutely flawless. What else is there for someone who doesn't 'believe' the message being preached to them? I'm fairly certain this thread will be erased, but oh well. I was having visions in my head last night of what Oblivion would look like with Starfield's graphics. The actual realm of Oblivion, how incredible it would be. You remember Oblivion, where a lion would chase you down and maul you to death in a realistic depiction of how lion's actually move, where in Starfield you have these six-legged monsters that roar and shake the entire world while prancing back and forth in place while you plink them in the head dozens of times? Maybe the animator/programmer forgot to call for backup. My name is Wastefield, and I'm not buying your toys.

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