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Auto Vanity Camera. Can it be stopped, or maybe tricked?


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I'm writing a mod where it's very important that the player remains seated, and maintains first person view for several minutes - which is easy enough through scripting. Unfortunately by default the vanity mode camera kicks in at around 60s. Is there a way to avoid this? Perhaps by some action or faking an event that will trick the vanity mode into not activating?


All I've found so far is references to 'fAutoVanityModeDelay' etc which need to be changed in the ini files so are beyond the reach of regular scripting.


Cheers - dafydd99

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Not quite "beyond the reach of regular scripting". If you are already utilizing SKSE functions and events, GetINIFloat and SetINIFloat do exist. As long as fAutoVanityModeDelay has an existing entry in the INI file, its value can be read and modified for the current game session (does not get saved, must be re-adjusted with each game session)


Beyond that, I know of nothing short of moving the camera with mouse or controller stick to keep the vanity mode from kicking in.

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Thanks IsharaMeradin! That's useful, though may be limited in use if it requires those values to have existing entries - would be hard to guarantee that for a player. Still good to know it's likely a dead end.


So to explain a little more, what I need to have the player sat in a chair fixed in firstperson view whilst a dragon flies around and breathes on them from time to time. I need them to be fixed in the chair whilst they're attacked (ie NOT 'knockedback' out of the furniture when attacked and taking damage), I'm using the word 'knockback' as I'm uncertain exactly what mechanism it is that removes a character from furniture when attacked, but seems to be part of any attack that causes damage.


So I'm thinking I have three possible methods -


1) This can work with 'SetRestrained()' on the actor, but that stops them from being able to move at all (not even the head or activate items), so we get the Auto Vanity Camera starting up. Perhaps then this isn't going to work.


2) I could set up a perk (or spell effect maybe?) on the player when getting into the seat that resists the knockback and keeps them in the seat. I've tried 'Mod Incoming Stagger', 'Mod Percent Blocked', 'Mod Incoming Damage', 'Mod Incoming Spell Magnitude', 'Mod Incoming Spell Duration' and even 'ethereal' (which works until you need to activate something, then you pop back). I think most of these work but only up to a high %, so there'll always be some part of the attack left to 'knockback'.


3) I could modify the dragon attack to be of a form that contains no 'knockback' element. Is that even possible?


Any thoughts?


Thanks - dafydd99

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