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OBMM + OBSE + Load order help


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Hey guys so I decided I wanted to play oblivion again so I go and get OBMM again and start downloading oblivion and get my mods etc, Then I get them all in with OBMM and yet some mods like keychain say I need OBSE installed even though I do have it and followed the exact instructions for a steam installation and for some reason some mods (that require OBSE) just crash my oblivion immediately after clicking play. I narrowed the 2 mods that seem to crash it after I hit play to Knights of the nine revelation, and heart of the dead mod, heart of the dead was installed with the manual installer and knights through OBSE. I was wondering if anyone can help me to get this sorted, I dont have have many mods just around 15 and I have spent hours trying to fix this with no luck.

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I have seen it reported that when using OBMM to start the game you need to put the file obse_loader.exe in your Oblivion folder, even though the Steam version of the game doesn't use it. I myself would never use OBMM to start the game ... I use it to install OMODs and to extract OMODs and BSAs so I can look for overwrites etc. (but I am a manual installing dinosaur).

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Thanks for your input but I already tried that and made no difference, also can anyone explain to me how I update a mod? For example I have 2 zips for RTT (Ruin tails tale mod) 1 for the actual mod and the second a minor patch, how would I go about updating the full mod with the patch?

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Install the main file and then install the patch saying yes to any overwrites. Or extract the main file download to a temporary folder and then extract the patch to a different temporary folder. Compare the two to see what was updated and merge the two accordingly.

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Install the main file and then install the patch saying yes to any overwrites. Or extract the main file download to a temporary folder and then extract the patch to a different temporary folder. Compare the two to see what was updated and merge the two accordingly.

Yeah I tried to manually update the files myself like you said before and ended up messing something up xD thanks for the info on auto updating it with OBMM.

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I may have been a bit misleading on the patching method.


I'd suggest installing the main mod with OBMM and then download and extract the patch to a temporary folder. Using Windows Explorer copy and paste to your Oblivion install, remembering that when copy/pasting folders you always paste in one level higher than you copy (so if you copy a Meshes folder from the extracted download you would paste into Oblivion\Data in your game install). You'll get a Windows warning about there is already a folder named Meshes (or whichever you're copying) ... just say Yes to All to overwrite with the new files. If the patch includes an ESP you'll paste it into Data (copy/pasting individual files the rule is paste into the folder you copied from).

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