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Bring back the ability to steal NPC clothing


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We need a mod that bring back the ability to steal the NPC clothing as in Skyrim and Fallout 4.

Even when you steal an NPC's spacesuit, they do not disappear from the corpse. It brings back the game to 2005 and i don't understand why Bethesda decided to change this thing now.


Please :happy:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I understand the preface of removing clothing as in Skyrim and there's already a command line in the new looting system to drop 100% of amour/clothing but the character model stays the same... Maybe it's too chilly in space for the model to be totally unclothed. But seriously it breaks the immersion

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I agree this mod is required 100% - the idea that when looting the apparel, suits, helmet, pack and weapons are there as visible, and also when looted that they disappear off the model. It's just so weird for them to have removed this. Ok I understand maybe allowing all those items might have killed their economy or something (didn't hurt in Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout though) but taking them and the model still wearing stuff?! That's just werid.

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You CANNOT strip a body because the runs counter to the AGENDA. AAA devs have strict agenda codes - they follow these codes for a number of reasons. The lowest is they get massive governmental grants and tax breaks if they provably do so. So CDPR went from nude girly content in the first Witcher game to the elimination of all normal adult sexuality in Cyberpunk (with the exception of one cut-scene). Yet during Cyberpunk's dev period, CDPR promised IP appropriate hyper sexualised content- as witnessed later in the cartoon. The polish government gave CDPR many millions of dollars in free tax-payer money to develop the most life like living world mechanisms in Cyberpunk (hilarious- have any of your witnessed the game world?) but really to ensure Cyberpunk followed agenda content rules.


MS and Apple are agenda companies, so work done by their divisions must automatically follow the code. Many gamers will already be aware of all the things the German government banned in computer games, and how many titles had to have special German versions with massive changes to gameplay and visuals. The agenda is the same thing on a vastly great and more Orwellian scale.


The consequence of this is the massive proliferation of 'adult' 'anime' c-divison (but now moving into b-division) games on Steam- the so-called anti-agenda games.


This is a terrible situation, and "team agenda" always scream, when the agenda is pointed out, "if you want 'adult' content, go watch 'adult' movies". Was Midnight Cowboy an "adult movie". It was for adults, but it was not an "adult movie" in the true meaning of that phrase. The intention of the agenda is to drive all normal adult content (with the exception of murder- think about this) out of games with an adult rating. Team Agenda will scream blue murder if the remake of The Witcher game still has the collectible cheesecake pictures.


MS's PR trick is to play on the line "although our games have an 18-rating, we all know 12-year-olds play them, so they MUST be censored" but MS actually wants them agenda censored for adults, as an essential part of its "Brave New World" policy.


Nexus exists largely because of the success of certain mods, yet Nexus is an agenda site and this comment will hence-wise not be welcome. Nexus has banned anti-agenda mods (and ensured mainstream pro-agenda news-sites crowed loudly about the fact) yet what will happen when the first mods that allow stripping of bodies in Starfield appear? The clue appears in the Novel 1984. The great unwashed masses were allowed their 'bread and circuses' - only the middle-classes and above were subject to strict overt agenda control methods. So Nexus will pretend body stripping mods are 'different' in nature from the mods that get banned.


To make my point clearer, if as a German you create and distribute any mod that reverses the German agenda censorship of any German version of a game, you go to prison - the same applies in Australia, that has its own explicit set of governmental and state censorship rules for games. Bad and getting worse.


To be free means being able to do and think whatever you like so long as it doesn't directly hurt someone else by intent or direct negligence. One can operate to this philosophy, or against it. Team agenda is against it. And as a result our AAA games suffer.

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Shew @zanity that's quite a write up :happy: but I do not necessarily want them to be naked. Both Skyrim and Fallout have underpants which would be perfectly fine for me and I do not see how it would go against any ratings body. Although Starfield has been rated M for Mature so even nude would probably not be an issue...

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  • 3 weeks later...

But, it requires yet another exe file to be run alongside the game. When that mod only needs SFSE, I will happily download, and install it. Otherwise, nope. Given that this guy managed it, I fully expect that an SFSE version will be out in the not-so-distant future, either by the same guy, or, someone else....

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