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Landing Cutscene every time


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Right.... Cuz wasting 20 seconds every time you land on a planet and a game that is based upon landing on planets sounds like not a waste of your life at all? What is wrong with you people that you want to just stare at a spaceship instead of playing the actual game?
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Right.... Cuz wasting 20 seconds every time you land on a planet and a game that is based upon landing on planets sounds like not a waste of your life at all? What is wrong with you people that you want to just stare at a spaceship instead of playing the actual game?

As another user pointed out in this thread, it's not just an issue of immersion. If you make use of shop storage, you will have to manually board your ship after landing to empty the storage of the items you're wanting.


So given that aspect, I definitely see utility in such a mod. And you know that the best part about mods are? They're optional. So you don't have to bother with getting this would be mod.

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Right.... Cuz wasting 20 seconds every time you land on a planet and a game that is based upon landing on planets sounds like not a waste of your life at all? What is wrong with you people that you want to just stare at a spaceship instead of playing the actual game?


It's about being immersed in a story. It's a story about space with frankly very little space in it. Seeing the spaceship land gives the illusion that you flew somewhere. Without the custscenes you click a location and suddenly appear there. Hell, why bother with a map, just have a fast travel on the mission and select it to warp to your target.


Having the cutscene is the same reason NPC's have backstories and talk a lot, why waste precious seconds on someone telling a story when they can just give us the bullet points so we can go and get the job done? Because it's fun, immersive.


Some, like yourself just want the real meat of the game, the shooting, the important story and not to waste time in between. There should be an option for you to skip these scenes, but to turn it off for everyone is a mistake.


I and a lot of other people want the whole experience, I spent 3 hours building a large ship, I'd like to see it takeoff and land.

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+1 This is definitely a worthwhile idea. As others have pointed out, it's good for those that want immersion. There is also gameplay utility to it. I hate that when I land on a planet, if I want something from the ship I either have to run back onboard or go through the ship menu. Much easier to just get up from the pilot seat, turn around, and have easy access right there.

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Right.... Cuz wasting 20 seconds every time you land on a planet and a game that is based upon landing on planets sounds like not a waste of your life at all? What is wrong with you people that you want to just stare at a spaceship instead of playing the actual game?


It's about being immersed in a story. It's a story about space with frankly very little space in it. Seeing the spaceship land gives the illusion that you flew somewhere. Without the custscenes you click a location and suddenly appear there. Hell, why bother with a map, just have a fast travel on the mission and select it to warp to your target.


Having the cutscene is the same reason NPC's have backstories and talk a lot, why waste precious seconds on someone telling a story when they can just give us the bullet points so we can go and get the job done? Because it's fun, immersive.


Some, like yourself just want the real meat of the game, the shooting, the important story and not to waste time in between. There should be an option for you to skip these scenes, but to turn it off for everyone is a mistake.


I and a lot of other people want the whole experience, I spent 3 hours building a large ship, I'd like to see it takeoff and land.


Couldn't have said it better. I really hope this either gets a mod or the dev implements it themselves as an optional parameter.

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