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Landing Cutscene every time


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also if I have some items in my ship I'd like to take out to sell, I have to turn around and go back into the ship to get them, as opposed to just getting out of the chair and grabbing it on my way out.



FYI When you are "close" ( you can actually be at a distance) from the ship, open your menu (tab key on the PC verson), click left down corner on your spaceship, press F for "spaceship storage" and you can freely move items back and from the ship to you. You do not have to walk back on the ship.


But, I do understand the immersion of it all. It was the first thing I was thinking about when I saw Bethesda show the eas of "planetjumping"..

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Damn i also want this mod. The game universe is big but this fast traveling anywhere from 1 system to another without even need to be in a ship make the game feels so small. I avoid using fast travel between system but no longer have a landing cutscene and always land on foot, not on a ship feels really weird. Hope someone can and will make this happen.
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Hey all, I really hope someone who is actually talented (unlike me) can actually make this mod lol.


It drives me crazy that when you land at a city after the first time it doesn't show the cutscene anymore, EVEN WHEN YOU LAND A THE LANDING PAD! It just teleports you outside your ship. This is annoying because it breaks immersion super quickly and also if I have some items in my ship I'd like to take out to sell, I have to turn around and go back into the ship to get them, as opposed to just getting out of the chair and grabbing it on my way out.


If anyone is able to make this, I'd be extremely grateful! Thank you!


We really need landing cut scenes... it breaks immersion and its really annoying. I hope this mod gets made.

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It sound stupid but isn't there a way to cancelled the "explored" state of a place, and force it to stay "unexplored" ? It could be a way to overpass this cinematic landing's restriction... or whatever bethesda did.


Edit : It don't works...

Edited by zexas
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  • 2 weeks later...

It sound stupid but isn't there a way to cancelled the "explored" state of a place, and force it to stay "unexplored" ? It could be a way to overpass this cinematic landing's restriction... or whatever bethesda did.


Edit : It don't works...

IF (GetLocationExplored(CityNewAtlantisLocation) || GetLocationAliasExplored(CityNewAtlantisSpaceport))
   SetLocationExplored(CityNewAtlantisLocation, 0)
   SetLocationExplored(CityNewAtlantisSpaceport, 0)

Most of the moddable code is locked into private/protected sealed classes, so even their own code base doesn't work. So much for being a "Modders Paradise" as Fraud Howard called it. Maybe someone else will have better luck, but I'm off to Star Citizen, a much better Space Game imo.

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