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ArchiveInvalidation, Working load loose files method.


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Mods pages say something like this:

Enable archive invalidation by adding the following lines to your StarfieldCustom.ini:


For whatever reason, that alone does not work for me.

I found a method that does work 100% for manual loose files and vortex.

Go to ye old fallout 3 mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/944 ( yes, I did contact him to thank him for this. unknown if he will be back online soon)
download the Manual version. You need the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa from it. Throw it into Main game data folder "steamapps\common\Starfield\Data"

or fire up a hex editor or notepad++ hex plugin and paste this into a new file and save it as ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa
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The gist of the hax file is that it is a valid bsa, but contains nothing or some value that tells the gamebryo engine to also load loose files.

Some of the wordings changed since fallout3.

go to Main game folder steamapps\common\Starfield\
open main Starfield.ini

go to [Archive]
copy and past next line over SResourceArchiveList=


(including trailing space)
so that the hax bsa is listed first

copy and paste Starfield.ini as backup somewhere in case of overwrites.

then if for whatever reason you haven't already, go to
Documents\My Games\Starfield
and make sure that StarfieldCustom.ini contains



just those two lines for the archive section. Anything else is had no effect for me.

Hazzah, hazzah, the table flippin thing works. Adoring fan, do the thing!

also, for whatever reason a data folder gets made in Documents\My Games\Starfield for screenshots and some mods say stuff goes there.
I don't like that nonsense, so I cut and paste that into main game folder and created a sym/junction link to make windows treat folder as if it exists in two places, but is physically in main game folder on one of the big ssds.
https://winaero.com/create-symbolic-link-windows-10-powershell/ or conext menu addon https://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/hardlinkshellext.html

this approach will work with vortex as well, just occasionally look at main and data folders to make sure stuff is put where it should and cut+paste if not.

some game tips:
to re-color whole ship, double click to select all.
When you save up a few skillpoints, exploit the recruitment simulator for leveling up pilots level - exit after level 2 or 3, re-enter, do again for best use of time. Pilot level 3+4 let yo use more modules and build bigger.
New Atlantis has low selection of modules so don't waste time designing stuff there. Go elsewhere for more options like Cole's hometown or other major hubs.
Stealing or boarding (default pirate or spacer or merc) ships is a challenging but effective way to gain ships or credits.

Go have a party in outpost number one where ya stash adoring fan and the main two npcs from the prologue.


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I think i just figured out why everyone is having so much trouble with all of this, and you accidently included it. "(including trailing space)" <- that was it, that's all i needed to do, i pasted sResourceDataDirsFinal= i did not include a space. all i did was add the space and it worked.

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I was able to get every other category of loose files to work except for the textures folder. It was named "Textures" and wasn't working at all but when I renamed it to "textures" then everything started working. Is Starfield's filepaths dependent on case sensitivity?

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I was able to get every other category of loose files to work except for the textures folder. It was named "Textures" and wasn't working at all but when I renamed it to "textures" then everything started working. Is Starfield's filepaths dependent on case sensitivity?

Most non-Windows systems are (maybe every? Not going to try accounting for what I don't know) so if they coded logic for cross platform trying to build support for, say, Linux or Mac since both are doing more and more to get games again, then building for case sensitivity would be wise in my opinion.

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