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Less Traffic Mod?


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Is there any mod that reduces the amount of NPC spaceships?


Everytime I try to mine, I get about 10 seconds of mining in, and the game flies an NPC ship right in front of me, causing the entire 'sentinel aggro - run to space station' sequence.


I'm just trying to mine asteroids.


Also, less ships warping in right on top of you whenever you sit still in space for more than a few seconds. I found a mod that actually increases space traffic, which is ******* insane.


I'd like to play a version of No Man's Sky that doesn't make space feel smaller than a thimble, with every single square inch of space being occupied by NPC every single second. It's my main complaint with the game, why Hello designed the game to feel that way is a stupidity that is beyond my comprehension.


Has anybody thought of this mod?

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I've never finished the game, because of this. I always get to the point where, even though I enjoy everything else about the game, the actual 'feeling' of playing a 'space game' that seems to be designed by mentally challenged people with ADHD who don't understand the concept of 'space' (or even what the word means) ends up defeating the purpose and my will to proceed.

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It's consensual vs. non-consensual. Game gives you a list of tasks, then puts certain barriers up, to make those tasks challenging.

Raiding a depot, you consent to sentinel response. Just like killing a lot of creatures on a high-sentinel planet, consent. Stealing the eggs larvae from around an Abandoned structure, you willingly consent to a response from those green guys.


Mining asteroids, way out by yourself, away from any spacestation or anything else, are you really consenting to have an NPC ship fly directly in front of you after 10 seconds? Just by trying to mine? How else are you supposed to get resources like platinum or tritium hyperclusters?


What about checking your inventory in space for a few seconds. Is it consent to have a consequence to looking at your inventory, sitting still in space for a few seconds, and in retaliation an entire fleet of frigates warp in right next to you?




Okay, I guess I'll check inventory somewhere else then, sigh.


It's not as if it's a 'once in a while' occurrence, it happens every single time. For a space game, set in outer space, it's designed to relentlessly, intentionally, and unfairly deprives the player of the feeling of 'being alone in space'.


So if this 'less traffic' mod doesn't exist, I'd like to ask how do the rest of you players of this game ignore all this and still enjoy the game?

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I realized I'm being overly, hyper-critical here. NMS is a great game. I guess I'm just a loner.


I did just buy the bundle with all the space games that I haven't played, since I try to boycott Steam. People don't know what Steam actually is, unless they're 'deep' in it or have an intense personal experience of revelation about it. Things can exist right out in the open, as what they are, but if people don't want to see it then you would have a hard time convincing them.


Oddly, since I made this rant post, the game did decide to leave me alone for awhile afterwards. I realized how lucky I am to have an incredible game like NMS to fall back on when some massive hypebomb like Starfield drops. Who knows, someday I might even play Cyberpunk77. I got this banger of a review for this game that I've never played, just waiting for the flag to drop on Metacritic. It's ok if you despise me, I'm alright with it.

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