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Point Lookout


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Couple of thoughts-


The Microwave Emitter is amazing.

The walk back after the giant Punga was probably my favorite experience in Fallout 3 yet. Amazingly funny.

I missed the Backwater Rifle (had critical rad poisoning, didn't want to turn God Mode on)- is it possible to go back and get it?

Bethesda really upped the animations this time- especially in the mansion and when destroying The Brain.

Anyone else find Colvert's actual actor? He's in a Pulowski Preservation Shelter under a building by the ferris wheel (which can't be opened) and is cloaked as if he is using a Stealth Boy.

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Q: Did I like the new content?


A: No, not at all and feel like I, once again, have wasted a few bucks.


Explaination: From what I gathered, Point Lookout was supposed to be a horror survival type of add-on. So i was expecting some pretty lengthy, spooky poo. I have to say there is nothing scary about getting shot at my a few mods of inbred rebnecks with useless double barrel shotguns and shovels.

From all the dolls and bone totems I expected some blair witch, nail biting suspense.

This add-on has been, by far, the most half assed, disappointing, and empty add-on yet.


I was done with the main quest before I even realized it. Afterwards I said to myself, "wait...THAT was the main quest? helping or killing one of the two snobby condescending super hero wannabees? That was *ban* it?"


So to answer the question, No, I did not, in anyway enjoy the new content.


Thank you once again beth, for leaving me with extended, empty hands.

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I don't know whether to support the ghoul or the brain. I tried once and supported the ghoul, but he was so smug about it I wanted to reload and try the other path. I did, and the brain betrayed me (surprise surprise). I think the best solution is to kill them both and take everything, but are there consequences for that?
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I really like this DLC.. It's the first that I've actually played. The mood of Point Lookout really creeps me out. I actually like the fact that it's rather empty. Makes it even more eerie to find someone in the middle of nowhere and lets my mind wander and make-up stories in my head to explain random objects.


I really loved the walk back from the giant punga tree. It's the first time I've actually had chills run down my spine from a video game in a long time.

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I loved it. Going to a place for the soul reason of exploring (instead of being hailed in via radio to rescue the day) is awesome. The DLC's seem to be getting better with each release...


I did a serious double take when I saw the "Schmault-Tech" Strength bobble head. I was really tired at time which made the whole journey back even more of a mindf$%£.


I do agree with some people above saying that it felt kinda empty. I want more NPC'S who you can talk to for fun, they don't have to be quest or store related!


I loved the voice acting on the ghoul in the mansion, forget his name. But the poor dogs went boom!


One weird thing I noticed, but didn't get a screenshot of, was when I went to the Ferris Wheel and looked north I could see a friendly NPC icon on my compass but it appeared to be on top of the roof. Am I missing something or is there a way to get up there/is there an NPC?


I'm still playing it though, only done the Main Quest so far.

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Found the answer to my own question on The Vault:


Professor Calvert - There is a common glitch where the player will randomly be informed that The Brain is unconscious whenever they go near the boardwalk, even if he is dead, this is because the brain's actual actor resides in an unopenable Pulowski Preservation Shelter hidden in the soda shop neighboring the The Homestead Motel, and is possibly falling through the map and being knocked out due to falling damage.


While near the Ferris Wheel, you can notice a green dot on the radar to the right of the ferris wheel, indicating a friendly NPC. This area is is reachable by use of stacked baby carriages, or jumping from the truck on the opposite side of House of Wares to the rooftops and jumping rooftops till you get there. Upon getting on and falling through the roof, you can find this hidden occupied Pulowski Preservation Shelter with The Brain in it. However, it cannot be opened. It is most likely here for when he talks to you during the quest Thought Control.

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Short and sweet: What do ya'll think of the new DLC?


I'll let you know when they fix the FO3 GFWL section.


I know, I said it, will they ever not have DLC launch problems? But you lot seem to have gotten it just fine so maybe I'm unlucky.

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