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Bug Warning! Mannequins Disappear


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I'm posting this to alert everyone who reads this that if you build a mannequin and place armor on it, there is a chance it will disappear when you return to the location that has it. In my case it was Mercury Tower in New Atlantis. I lost my unique legendary gear I got from completing a certain questline. Just be careful. I have to redo an entire apartment's decorating and two hours of gameplay just to get it back.

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Same thing happened to me when I placed weapons and armor pieces on display in my ship

Loose objects and such gets shoved into the ships inventory when you modify the ship. Though I did notice a bug with the ammo inside the gun cases. It only puts one round into the ship inventory.


I did however have a mannequin eat a set of armor. Basically I found that if the mannequin doesn't immediately display your armor, take it back.

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