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Everything posted by scottyus1

  1. Please, please can someone help get my dream vehicle into the game
  2. I'd like to see a side job to make some extra cash and to enjoy driving around night city. Short jobs $400 Medium Jobs $690 Long Jobs (multiple stops) $970 Plan would be not to make it too OP with the payments as it would get people wanting to do more jobs.
  3. Looking for a mod which allows you to tell your companions to move to a specific spot or interact with a object like a bed, chair, workbench etc like you could in fallout 4 and 76? Ideally have it so holding down the interact button on a live person allows you to do it. Same way you can drag dead bodies :)
  4. Same thing happened to me when I placed weapons and armor pieces on display in my ship
  5. As the title says. Change the base value of vendors from 5k to either 10k - 15k - 20k - 25k.
  6. Not sure why they didn't add this to Starfield. Though its something much needed.
  7. I can make the models and already have 3d models that people can use. They just need textures. You are doing us a great service Don't speak too soon, no one's contacted me for any yet haha .. but I have them if people want to use them and I can make models for people's preference.
  8. When seeing the alien races in the game it just feels like NMS aliens.. there's no mystery to them. I feel the more animal looking they are the less they stand out. Through history there have been many apparent sightings of extra-terrestrials and I think more humanoids should be added for example: -The Greys -Grey-skinned humanoids, usually 1 m (3.3 ft) tall, hairless, with large heads, black almond-shaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 3–4 fingers including thumb. -Nordic Aliens -Humanoids with stereotypical "Nordic features" (tall, blonde hair, blue eyes) and have featured in several cases of contact. It is said they are from Ancient Earth but presenting themselves as ETs in the past, they moved from living on the surface to live underground around the Himalayas area after a natural event. -Reptilians and reptiloids -Tall, scaly humanoids. Reptilian humanoid beings date back at least as far as Ancient Egypt, with the crocodile-headed river god Sobek. More to add: -Anunnaki -Xenomorph's -Giants I'd like to experience Aliens from real life myths and add lore to them. Making reading textures on them in game a much enjoyable experience.
  9. In 3rd person the flashlight seems to stick to the ground in front of you when aiming high. Would someone please make the light go in the direction of where you're aiming with the weapon please. Thanks
  10. I can make the models and already have 3d models that people can use. They just need textures.
  11. As skyrim once had, and as fallout once had.. I think Starfield is the more ideal setting to have lightsabers. ;)
  12. I am looking for someone to help co-project in bringing weapons and armors from a specific ip into the world of Baldurs gate 3. I already have a lot of models and textures from said ip and also getting more as we speak. I need someone with knowledge to help me construct standalone folders for each weapon, armor and helping with the stat building for each piece of armor and weapon. If interested in helping, please send me a DM and I'll look through my message in the coming days and get back to you. Scottyus1
  13. This is already a thing :smile: It also adds the following: } Speak With AnimalsSpeak With DeadDisguise SelfDetect ThoughtsLink: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/593
  14. Ok, so it is going to be a little read, but it gives people something to digest and think about, so here goes... Creating a mod for Baldur's Gate 3 that allows players to always win dice rolls and have a more deterministic outcome like in the Dragon Age series could indeed have some benefits, particularly for players who are more accustomed to the gameplay mechanics of the Dragon Age games. Here are some reasons why such a mod might be considered a good idea from my point of view... first one being: 1. Accessibility for New Players: As you mentioned, the dice roll mechanics in Baldur's Gate 3 are closely tied to Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) gameplay, which might be unfamiliar to players coming from the Dragon Age series (I myself am from the dragon age series and BG3 is my first CRPG, though I'm use to the gameplay now and enjoy itm there are a lot who struggle and leave). Implementing a mod that eliminates or reduces the impact of dice rolls could help new players feel more comfortable and less frustrated with the mechanics, potentially increasing their enjoyment of the game. 2. Wider Audience Appeal: By introducing an option that aligns more closely with the gameplay style of the Dragon Age series, the mod could attract players who might have otherwise been put off by the dice roll mechanics. This could expand the game's audience and bring in players who prefer narrative-driven experiences over the chance-based aspects of traditional D&D gameplay. 3. Reduced Frustration: Some players might find the randomness of dice rolls frustrating, especially if they are used to having more control over outcomes in other RPGs. Allowing them to have a higher chance of success could reduce frustration and encourage them to engage more deeply with the game's story and world. 4. Emphasis on Storytelling: The Dragon Age series places a strong emphasis on storytelling and player choice. By reducing the impact of dice rolls, the mod could encourage players to focus more on the narrative and their role within the game world, rather than being overly concerned with the chance-based mechanics. 5. Modding Community Engagement: Introducing a mod like this could help foster a sense of community within the modding scene for Baldur's Gate 3. Players who prefer the Dragon Age-style gameplay might be more inclined to create and share mods that align with their preferences, thus contributing to the game's overall longevity and appeal. In conclusion, while creating a mod that allows players to always win dice rolls in Baldur's Gate 3 could potentially attract a wider audience and address the concerns of players accustomed to Dragon Age-style mechanics, it's important to carefully consider the implications and challenges associated with such a modification. Striking a balance between accessibility and the game's original design intent will be key to ensuring a positive impact on player experience and the modding community. Just to also clarify, there doesn't need to be any disrespectful comments in response to this or one liners like "Play something else", they are not constructive feedback, helpful and will be overlooked as they aren't needed or necessary. :)
  15. As the title says. Instead of having multiple camps out in the world, have an option to pick out of one of them and have it as your full time camp. Making it fully customizable moving props around from tents, trees etc.. and having placements with poses for our companions so we can sit them by the fire or place them around the area doing things like fishing etc just to make it feel more alive.
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