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Please make am od that makes landing sequences a standard feature


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right now, you only see your landing somewhere the first time you visit the place. After that, you are just placed in front of your ship.


I find this immersion-breaking. I would LOVE to see my ship landing every time. Is this moddable right now? If so, I would be greatful if someone could change this.


Thanks and have a great time in Starfield like I have :-)




(Sorry for the typo in the headline)

Edited by Daremius
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This is the #1 thing blatantly breaking my immersion in the game right now. When you land somewhere for the first time, and you're sitting in the cockpit, it actually gives you 3 options "Exit Ship", "Get Up" and "Take Off". This seems like the intended behavior. The Exit Ship option being the fast option, to get you out of your ship quickly and on the ground if you desire. Rather than how it is now, just forcefully throwing you out there regardless of the environment or if you're actually prepared to leave the ship. I'm really hoping this is a bug that will be rectified in short order. If it's not, it's a massive oversight on Bethesda's part, and hopefully it's something modders can fix without having to wait a long time for more tools.

Edited by Predatar556
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This is the #1 thing blatantly breaking my immersion in the game right now. When you land somewhere for the first time, and you're sitting in the cockpit, it actually gives you 3 options "Exit Ship", "Get Up" and "Take Off". This seems like the intended behavior. The Exit Ship option being the fast option, to get you out of your ship quickly and on the ground if you desire. Rather than how it is now, just forcefully throwing you out there regardless of the environment or if you're actually prepared to leave the ship. I'm really hoping this is a bug that will be rectified in short order. If it's not, it's a massive oversight on Bethesda's part, and hopefully it's something modders can fix without having to wait a long time for more tools.

I spoke to someone on Reddit earlier who said this can't be done without more tools :c I hope they're wrong but idk

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I really hope that isn't the case... What I hope more though is that it's just a bug that will get ironed out quickly. I just can't see Bethesda having all those playtesters and no one being like "Uhh, this is dumb". I've seen tons of posts all over about it now, so fingers crossed it's not working as intended.

Edited by Predatar556
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