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[Mod Request] Auto-hide spacesuit while on ship.


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So the game already has a flag to remove your spacesuit while in settlements, and your helmet in breathable atmosphere, but for some reason it insists on showing your spacesuit while you are on your ship. Just feels clunky when I'm hanging out on my ship and everyone has their regular clothes on and here's me with my big clunky spacesuit.


Anyone got a script or something that can fix this?

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+1 would definitely want something like this to carry over into breathable atmosphere on various planets as well. My follower doesn't have to wear his spacesuit, why do I?


Yes please. The ship is the most annoying part but I hate being out with a companion and they're dressed normally while I look the Michelin man.

Edited by Zwyguy
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Agreed, it's absolutely mind-boggling that this isn't the case by default. My experience has been that the game thinks it's acceptable to take off my spacesuit while outdoors on a planet with 0% oxygen, though, so I'm not surprised that this other seemingly logical thing is not implemented. Poor effort by the devs on both counts here.

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